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Alfastrah.ru Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed!

Alfastrah.ru Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed!

In a significant data breach, the user database of AlfaStrakhovanie Group, a Russian insurance company, has been made publicly available. This breach exposed 1 million records, including hashed passwords, phone numbers, email addresses, full names, dates of birth, and internal AlfaStrakhovanie numbers. This incident emphasizes the severity of the data breach and the wide array of sensitive information that has been compromised.

Compromised data: Hashed Passwords, Phones, Emails, Full Names, Date of Birth and Internal AlfaStrakhovanie Numbers

13601461 2022-09-21 08:58:45 Nata.Tacinka163@yandex.ru vezgQmUZe99162b549f88f9ae256f50396f6e2de Александр Гапонов Nata.Tacinka163@yandex.ru \N 79281827592 1952-08-18 Васильевич
13601462 2022-09-21 08:58:49 order-221180634@insmail.sravni.ru ql6IErXdb7bd21116947f2dbed8d653af897ef08 АННА ГАЛЕЕВА order-221180634@insmail.sravni.ru \N 79869109312 1992-12-31 МАКСИМОВНА
13601463 2022-09-21 08:58:51 shikina_diana@bk.ru 85aO18ZH038a9a3c36664589743634713c243963 Диана Шикина shikina_diana@bk.ru \N 79507294617 1981-05-13 Георгиевна
13601464 2022-09-21 15:51:26 cclgudoeez@emergentvillage.org yR4CBTRL12f97eda2ae575ea6e9cbbfb2de20cf4 ИВАН МУКОНИН cclgudoeez@emergentvillage.org 2022-09-21 15:51:26 79833831207 1988-05-05 АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ
13601465 2023-03-22 16:16:20 Radost.1284@list.ru ]zC6x2]Oce273db1504ed5b5c7f9dab509cf05ad Виктория Рымшина Radost.1284@list.ru 2023-03-22 16:16:20 79233385835 1984-10-12 Владимир
13601466 2022-09-21 13:15:00 most_070291@mail.ru k7&RC@y5bb8c80521a12abd414adbf50c97ee2ee Дмитрий Мостовщиков most_070291@mail.ru 2022-09-21 13:15:00 79322386660 1991-02-07 Викторович
13601467 2022-09-21 08:59:10 order-221181278@insmail3.sravni.ru qWqn2yBL0e56cd4d1c9249c1ea15d4145a4b1f63 ПАВЕЛ ПИКУЛИК order-221181278@insmail3.sravni.ru \N 77927854221 1966-08-04 ЮРЬЕВИЧ
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