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American Companies and FBI (Infragard.org) 87k User Records Exposed!

American Companies and FBI (Infragard.org) 87k User Records Exposed!

Infagard is a non-profit organization facilitating collaboration between American companies and the FBI. In early 2022, a hacker gained access to data of 80,000 users on this platform and was selling it for $50,000. However, later the breach was publicly exposed. The data includes names, usernames, state and region information, company names and positions, as well as, in some cases, textual descriptions.

Infagard suffered a data breach in early 2022, where the data of 80,000 users was compromised. The incident exposed sensitive information such as names, usernames, state and region details, company names, and job titles. The breached data was later made publicly available, raising concerns about privacy and security.

10093598,"{'UserId': 10093598, 'UserName': 'kburgin002', 'FirstName': 'Kelli', 'LastName': 'Burgin', 'SectorNameList': [], 'SectorNames': '', 'PrimarySector': 'Information Technology', 'FamiliarSectors': '', 'ChapterName': 'North Carolina - Charlotte Members Alliance', 'SIGNameList': [], 'SIGBranchIdList': None, 'SIGNames': '', 'OrganizationName': '******', 'EmploymentDescription': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'PersonalEmail': None, 'HomePhone': '', 'CellPhone': '', 'HomeZip': None, 'BusinessZip': None, 'IGId': None, 'CreatedDate': '/Date(1461018677000)/', 'IsLockedOut': None, 'UserStatusId': None, 'LastLoginDate': None, 'SpeakerDescription': None, 'AverageSpeakerRating': None, 'RatingDescription': '', 'ChapterId': 12, 'BusinessTitle': '', 'Unemployed': 'N', 'RegionName': None, 'ChapterPrivate': False}","{'Name': 'Kelli Burgin', 'Chapter': 'North Carolina - Charlotte Members Alliance', 'Sector': 'Information Technology', 'Organization': '********', 'Position/Title': '********', 'Email': '********', 'Is Speaker': 'No'}"
10114815,"{'UserId': 10114815, 'UserName': 'kburket002', 'FirstName': 'kelley', 'LastName': 'burkett', 'SectorNameList': [], 'SectorNames': '', 'PrimarySector': 'Government Facilities', 'FamiliarSectors': '', 'ChapterName': 'Florida - South Florida Members Alliance', 'SIGNameList': [], 'SIGBranchIdList': None, 'SIGNames': '', 'OrganizationName': 'US Coast Guard', 'EmploymentDescription': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'PersonalEmail': None, 'HomePhone': '', 'CellPhone': '', 'HomeZip': None, 'BusinessZip': None, 'IGId': None, 'CreatedDate': '/Date(1527632778657)/', 'IsLockedOut': None, 'UserStatusId': None, 'LastLoginDate': None, 'SpeakerDescription': None, 'AverageSpeakerRating': None, 'RatingDescription': '', 'ChapterId': 46, 'BusinessTitle': '', 'Unemployed': 'N', 'RegionName': None, 'ChapterPrivate': False}","{'Name': 'kelley burkett', 'Chapter': 'Florida - South Florida Members Alliance', 'Sector': 'Government Facilities', 'Organization': 'US Coast Guard', 'Position/Title': '********', 'Email': 'kelley.n.burkett@uscg.mil', 'Is Speaker': 'No'}"
10110395,"{'UserId': 10110395, 'UserName': 'KBurkho002', 'FirstName': 'Karla', 'LastName': 'Burkholder', 'SectorNameList': [], 'SectorNames': '', 'PrimarySector': 'Information Technology', 'FamiliarSectors': '', 'ChapterName': 'Texas - San Antonio Members Alliance', 'SIGNameList': [], 'SIGBranchIdList': None, 'SIGNames': '', 'OrganizationName': '******', 'EmploymentDescription': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'PersonalEmail': None, 'HomePhone': '', 'CellPhone': '', 'HomeZip': None, 'BusinessZip': None, 'IGId': None, 'CreatedDate': '/Date(1513031133627)/', 'IsLockedOut': None, 'UserStatusId': None, 'LastLoginDate': None, 'SpeakerDescription': 'Educational Technology; Educational Leadership', 'AverageSpeakerRating': None, 'RatingDescription': '', 'ChapterId': 71, 'BusinessTitle': '', 'Unemployed': 'N', 'RegionName': None, 'ChapterPrivate': False}","{'Name': 'Karla Burkholder', 'Chapter': 'Texas - San Antonio Members Alliance', 'Sector': 'Information Technology', 'Organization': '********', 'Position/Title': '********', 'Email': 'techiequeen@gmail.com', 'Is Speaker': 'Yes', 'Speaker Description': 'Educational Technology; Educational Leadership'}"
10093871,"{'UserId': 10093871, 'UserName': 'kburkley', 'FirstName': 'Kaitlyn', 'LastName': 'Burkley', 'SectorNameList': [], 'SectorNames': '', 'PrimarySector': 'Energy', 'FamiliarSectors': '', 'ChapterName': 'Ohio - Central Ohio Members Alliance', 'SIGNameList': [], 'SIGBranchIdList': None, 'SIGNames': '', 'OrganizationName': '******', 'EmploymentDescription': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'PersonalEmail': None, 'HomePhone': '', 'CellPhone': '', 'HomeZip': None, 'BusinessZip': None, 'IGId': None, 'CreatedDate': '/Date(1461708980000)/', 'IsLockedOut': None, 'UserStatusId': None, 'LastLoginDate': None, 'SpeakerDescription': None, 'AverageSpeakerRating': None, 'RatingDescription': '', 'ChapterId': 19, 'BusinessTitle': '', 'Unemployed': None, 'RegionName': None, 'ChapterPrivate': False}","{'Name': 'Kaitlyn Burkley', 'Chapter': 'Ohio - Central Ohio Members Alliance', 'Sector': 'Energy', 'Organization': '********', 'Position/Title': '********', 'Email': '********', 'Is Speaker': 'No'}"
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