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Armorgames.com Database Leaked - 10M User Records Exposed!

Armorgames.com Database Leaked - 10M User Records Exposed!

In January 2019, Armor Games, a game portal website, fell victim to a data breach that had serious consequences for its users. The breach affected approximately 10.6 million email addresses and resulted in the exposure of various other sensitive data, including usernames, IP addresses, birthdays of administrator accounts, and passwords stored as salted SHA-1 hashes. This incident underscored the importance of robust security practices and the need for organizations to safeguard user data effectively to prevent such breaches.

Compromised data: Bios, Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

id uid username email password website biography aim msn yahoo avatar birthday sex location xbox wii ps3 steam favoritegame created_on updated_on passwordReset referralUser_id level newsletter chat active points_lastmonth points_current points comment_notify validation ip_address comments merit_notify country_id sync_time sync xr_id xr_uid xr_username blessed role profile_customizations
1 ce2c685ce47c4f1f198a8f00dab4fabc ArmorGames armorgames@gmail.com b4aa2011a0f9eafb290b1f56e320b829727673fa Welcome to Armor Games. We hope you enjoy our site! This account will be linked to various flash games we've sponsored or licensed from other companies. 551 0000-00-00 1195098579 1537028613 85fff8a96a497a870e31d59ca4a69babbc568a5da7a80a05f06ece144d511553 0 0 0 1 1 0 322 245 Y NULL Y N NULL 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
2 aprilfools justin_bieber cormyn+bieber@cormyn.com 522e9b6279633680f406596d1e88cd2bac949641 Baby, baby, ooh! 26 0000-00-00 Male Canada 1301630400 1456533265 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y NULL N Y 226 0 1 0 NULL 0 user NULL
5 5acc322e1c64e22750dad6d447b763d9 DannyAG Dan@ArmorGames.com b8725952777df2e5fce8065d062e3b7e416500b3 Getting busy playing.... ArmorGames 1088 0000-00-00 Male Orange County, CA ArmorGames or ArmorOffice 1195147235 1522700203 0 1 1 1 1 100 7051 1505 Y NULL Y Y 226 0 0 0 NULL 0 guest NULL
6 a54cd78afcddd402e411cff78ff6147d Luka_M luksifox@gmail.com 415a683e1495f4beec9e7d835248e410224096a7 7 0000-00-00 Male Slovenia luksifox luka m. 1195147817 1456533087 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 170 Y NULL N Y NULL 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
7 2ee8a6ac72815e428faa06a49e25b471 jmtb02 john@armorgames.com c936319a847d01835f5758c50df4ceda1ff3a5b2 I love cake! jmtb02 429 0000-00-00 Male Irvine, CA jmtb02 1195147831 1529451743 8759310e22225a4c7f4267a45be6515e1045e455a1a391f2898cbcc39c9ab4af 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 Y NULL 2602:306:bd17:2cf0:fded:a3ff:8592:f1b9 N Y NULL 0 1 0 NULL 0 user NULL
8 fedd5c0a103dcad65b12fc213caffd8a John jmtb02+ag2@gmail.com 03be24cd8e45c66953250c499992d67c981d5433 Hello, I am John. I make games and I love elephants. jmtb02 jmtb02 436 0000-00-00 Male San Francisco, CA jmtb02 jmtb02 1195147867 1533674807 0f6d1b4c3e053c3c785183f84b4d74d5867a70906527ffc0e7ed8e940e7dc332 0 0 0 1 1 42 263 115 N NULL Y Y 226 0 1 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
9 8ed3cb9e7166398dcc186bb739104447 James mondo@mondomaniatrics.com 6573ac11d97b9a7a0e705622aa1b0472b4313176 James is a developer in Irvine, California. He is currently a student of the University of California, Irvine and is working toward a major in Information and Computer Sciences. mondomaniatrics 933 0000-00-00 Male Irvine, CA mondomaniatrics mondomaniatrics 1195147876 1543725310 50ca3f1a43b57dc0aa82d92a6acc122265ef2bb545d9a7ca17bad82cfce50591 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 130 Y NULL 2601:1c0:8600:943d:9d4d:738f:e8f2:671a N Y NULL 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
10 c136f44f0c6630daab9679093fa3f02e Tony antony.lavelle@gmail.com 9425196a9c713589d667f04c0573d8ef4fe4a96d 135 0000-00-00 Male Cardiff, UK 1195149201 1542750766 5b74af5cfa0ee46c6d8c50ff7239dfa304b4feb74a5cd289caa6ac04c3f300a7 0 0 0 0 1 24 0 85 Y NULL Y Y 225 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
11 0c070a02021131cd9240e6a436a6ec02 Shpigford josh@joshpigford.com 41f14d76313f53519512de699a63fff3c9636b06 I work with the Armor Games guys handling all the site development and design jazz. I like mountain dew and pugs. 4 0000-00-00 Male Denver, CO DanielMcNeely 1195151079 1509552364 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10 Y NULL N Y 226 0 0 0 NULL 0 user NULL
12 6f71972a690d92c67546ed675760c8e8 CrazyMonkeyGames cmg@crazymonkeygames.com 5367c2c4ae397b24cebe70a3415c851627d8df74 Visit CrazyMonkeyGames for more great flash games. 1413 0000-00-00 1195152909 1458039650 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y NULL N Y NULL 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
13 d2091f268499586045425f3a4b0fb332 HeroInteractive eric@herointeractive.com 96e3d2e670597db9e1934acdf15d85dcb56948cc Follow us on Facebook!Hero Interactive is a small studio based out of west Michigan, specializing in game development and web/media technologies.We've been one of the top Flash game developers in the online community, creating such popular titles as Bubble Tanks, StormWinds, Pixel, Pirate Defense, and many more in our arsenal of over 30 games. Our focus has always been on game innovation, quality, and fun. With our hearts set on these goals we've created and released over fifteen of our own IP projects- each a success that we take much pride in.With the help of our valued partners these games have spread out across the world, are hosted on thousands of sites, and have been played millions of times. Whether you're looking for the highest quality and best performing games on your website, or you're just looking to strengthen this new and growing community, we want to help! 32 0000-00-00 Michigan, USA HeroInteractive 1195154698 1449095542 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 220 Y NULL Y Y 226 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
14 5633c728d306144ef305213bafdcb188 asdfwsnfmlk jmtb02@gmail.com c06cef4e46306b7389bf6e29615462b9f38fc0d2 4 0000-00-00 1195155935 1374175793 UKR6W4664SP6NQATHNXQVTGPG5Q1T0V 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y NULL N Y NULL 0 0 0 NULL 0 user NULL
15 ca2af3eedc4c427138fb95c84ee5e33e EON jorjeade@hotmail.com 3c9e490c19fbdc2ffea810bc14bcf42f50505fbe I've made most of the flash for Dissolute Productions, and I'm best know for Chaos Faction, Dynasty Street, NGAP Radio, and Desktops of the Future. 4 0000-00-00 Male Brighton, UK JorjEade eon42 1195160169 1509569628 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y NULL N Y 225 0 0 0 NULL 0 user NULL
16 4616f387147484cf8e2a678fcfc17f0a Monkokio monkokio@gmail.com 8056ea35be05c059c656948928b25dcc4f14d99d I make games. Sometimes they don't suck. Designer on The Last of Us, Journey. 933 0000-00-00 1195164074 1509581971 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y NULL N Y 0 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
17 042c852db9c06c9ea2e36ff71267b979 dz2001 vxd2k7@gmail.com 6bbd3d974f8488925108eb7c66ef93630afe7b04 http://dzgam.es/ vxd2k7 1412 0000-00-00 Male Russia, Moscow 1195169837 1472345842 0 0 0 1 1 0 56 700 Y NULL Y Y 177 0 0 0 NULL 0 developer NULL
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