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Buyucoin.com Database Leaked - 161k User Records Exposed!

Buyucoin.com Database Leaked - 161k User Records Exposed!

BuyUcoin is an Indian cryptocurrency exchange that facilitates the buying and selling of various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. It claims to be one of India's most secure crypto exchanges and boasts a customer base of over one million users. In an alleged breach at an unconfirmed date, the Indian cryptocurrency site Buyucoin was reportedly compromised. The stolen data includes passwords, email addresses, and additional personal information. This breach, which is being privately shared on the internet, exposed approximately 161,486 individual email addresses.

Compromised data: "Number, MetaInfo, NotificationSettings , OrderAlerts, DepositAlerts, WithdrawAlerts, MarketAlerts, NewsAlerts, UpdateAlerts, PreferredCurrency (INR), ThirdFeeCurrency, FavouriteMarketsList, Theme (LIGHT), VerifiedMobile, VerifiedEmail, VerifiedKyc, KycLevel (0), VerifiedAccredition, TfaEnabled, Type (INDIVIDUAL), Role (SUPERADMIN), FeeStructure (PERCENTAGE); BrokerId, Permissions, Deleted, Suspended, JwtNonce, FeeApplicable, Country (INDIA), ReferralCode, ReferredByUserID."

Referred By User ID: [Not Provided] Email: garrow7@gmail.com Password: $2b$12$vC3gy4Uf3KOHUyv.EFKXn.NY95mYhbt7cFEcSdN9lg6EBo2Bj03GO TFA Key: [Not Provided] Created Date: [Not Provided] Updated Date: [Not Provided] Mobile: 9686405445 Country Code: 91 Meta Info: [Not Provided] Notification Settings: Order Alerts, Deposit Alerts, Withdraw Alerts, Market Alerts, News Alerts, Update Alerts Preferred Currency: INR Third Fee Currency: [Not Provided] Favourite Markets List: [Not Provided] Theme: LIGHT Verified Mobile: Yes Verified Email: Yes Verified KYC: Yes KYC Level: 0 Verified Accredition: [Not Provided] TFA Enabled: Yes Type: Individual Role: User Fee Structure: Percentage Broker ID: [Not Provided] Permissions: [Not Provided] Deleted: [Not Provided] Suspended: [Not Provided] JWT Nonce: [Not Provided] Fee Applicable: Yes Country: India Referral Code: buyucoin59093111 Referred By User ID: [Not Provided] Email: cliftonpereira26@gmail.com Password: $2b$12$RDAHPFNoeY361O3MRPkGoO8/./2jG0TPppTrVZhpeG/.YGnR9kcS. TFA Key: [Not Provided] Created Date: [Not Provided] Updated Date: [Not Provided] Mobile: 7975799084 Country Code: 91 Meta Info: [Not Provided] Notification Settings: Order Alerts, Deposit Alerts, Withdraw Alerts, Market Alerts, News Alerts, Update Alerts Preferred Currency: INR Third Fee Currency: [Not Provided] Favourite Markets List: [Not Provided] Theme: LIGHT Verified Mobile: Yes Verified Email: Yes Verified KYC: Yes KYC Level: 0 Verified Accredition: [Not Provided] TFA Enabled: Yes Type: Individual Role: User Fee Structure: Percentage Broker ID: [Not Provided] Permissions: [Not Provided] Deleted: [Not Provided] Suspended: [Not Provided] JWT Nonce: [Not Provided] Fee Applicable: Yes Country: India Referral Code: buyucoin59091951 User 4: Referred By User ID: [Not Provided] Email: manishbithcl@gmail.com Password: $2b$12$WzsNQmn4cOYFaN5ot4LDpOsrA3jHMPXtxWGlXA7X.fqOYMgR1isOe TFA Key: [Not Provided] Created Date: [Not Provided] Updated Date: [Not Provided] Mobile: 8248056472 Country Code: 91 Meta Info: [Not Provided] Notification Settings: Order Alerts, Deposit Alerts, Withdraw Alerts, Market Alerts, News Alerts, Update Alerts Preferred Currency: INR Third Fee Currency: [Not Provided] Favourite Markets List: [Not Provided] Theme: LIGHT Verified Mobile: [Not Provided] Verified Email: Yes Verified KYC: Yes KYC Level: 0 Verified Accredition: [Not Provided] TFA Enabled: Yes Type: Individual Role: User Fee Structure: Percentage Broker ID: [Not Provided] Permissions: [Not Provided] Deleted: [Not Provided] Suspended: [Not Provided] JWT Nonce: [Not Provided] Fee Applicable: Yes Country: India Referral Code: buyucoin59092272
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