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CoinMarketCap.com Database Leaked - 3.1M User Records Exposed!

CoinMarketCap.com Database Leaked - 3.1M User Records Exposed!

In October 2021, a concerning data breach occurred, involving CoinMarketCap, a prominent cryptocurrency market capitalization website. Approximately 3.1 million email addresses associated with CoinMarketCap accounts were discovered being traded on hacking forums. While the data breach was confirmed to correlate with CoinMarketCap's user base, the exact method by which this data was obtained remains unclear. CoinMarketCap addressed the situation by providing a statement indicating that the exposed data consisted only of email addresses, with no passwords included. Nonetheless, the breach affected a significant number of users, underscoring the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and data protection in the cryptocurrency industry.

Breach date: 12 October 2021
Compromised accounts: 3,117,548

Compromised data: Email addresses

First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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