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CoinsIO.com Database Leaked - 100k User Records Exposed!

CoinsIO.com Database Leaked - 100k User Records Exposed!

In a data breach incident involving CoinsIO.com, a cryptocurrency marketplace known for its peer-to-peer platform for buying and selling bitcoin, approximately 100,000 subscriber accounts were impacted. The compromised data included the following details:
  • Usernames
  • Email addresses
  • IP addresses
  • Hashed passwords
This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining the security and privacy of user data on online platforms.

Source: Coinsio.com
Amount: 24,000 Users / 100,000 Lines
File Formatting: SQL

Compromised data: cust_id, username, fullname, email, phone, profile_photo, password, country, country_code, status, fees, trade_limit, register_date, referralcode, referralcodefrom, mobile_status, otp, activation_status, disable_bounty, two_auth, role, merchant, temp_pass, password_text, password_key, password_time, login_otp, guest, username_status

(3944, '5710131', '0xa08ddfa9402b3eac3460773f3ca44e6fa86b13842315baf27f1bc89b4da7c3f4', 0, 'Ethereum', '1527798547', 3, '0xa44e5137293e855b1b7bc7e2c6f8cd796ffcb037', NULL, 0, '2020-05-22 05:27:29'),
(3945, '5710131', '0xa08ddfa9402b3eac3460773f3ca44e6fa86b13842315baf27f1bc89b4da7c3f4', 0, 'Ethereum', '1527798547', 3, '0xa44e5137293e855b1b7bc7e2c6f8cd796ffcb037', NULL, 0, '2020-05-22 05:27:29'),
(3946, '5710133', '0xa01c97a174b9535b222c3fa15dee9f1682096073f632f5efce2b34848ce8e446', 0, 'Ethereum', '1527798626', 3, '0xa44e5137293e855b1b7bc7e2c6f8cd796ffcb037', NULL, 0, '2020-05-22 05:27:29'),
(3947, '5710133', '0xa01c97a174b9535b222c3fa15dee9f1682096073f632f5efce2b34848ce8e446', 0, 'Ethereum', '1527798626', 3, '0xa44e5137293e855b1b7bc7e2c6f8cd796ffcb037', NULL, 0, '2020-05-22 05:27:29'),
(3948, '5710134', '0x054954102d111351f6afd1c2a40939c0d897781e1ebebbde34be26b02395564c', 0, 'Ethereum', '1527798630', 3, '0xa44e5137293e855b1b7bc7e2c6f8cd796ffcb037', NULL, 0, '2020-05-22 05:27:29'),

(22178, 'NwrbpghsGoSQJMx', 'AnrWkqZmYaE HygdpAZCLO', 'harwood.bonny@yahoo.com', '', '', 'TjUxTGhibkk4RVlvIQ==', '1', NULL, 1, 0, 500, '2020-08-21 13:51:46', '22178', 'N51LhbnI8EYo!', 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0),
(22179, 'Sujonbigc', 'Sujon Bigc', 'Sujonbigc@gmail.com', '01775081264', '', 'U3Vqb24zMzEx', '18', '880', 1, 0, 500, '2020-08-21 16:21:47', '22179', '', 1, '721495', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0),
(22180, 'LIxPHOCV', 'fUkwXDMFveE PdFMbgQGWB', 'stevie_porteous@yahoo.com', '', '', 'ZWNRNkl3YUtsM1RKIQ==', '1', NULL, 1, 0, 500, '2020-08-22 19:47:21', '22180', 'ecQ6IwaKl3TJ!', 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0),
(22181, 'Hasibjr', 'Hasib Jr', 'sdjr3333@gmail.com', '01636810970', '', 'SGFzaWJqcjMzMzMzNg==', '18', '880', 1, 0, 500, '2020-08-22 20:10:42', '22181', 'Sujon17', 1, '919843', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'SGFzaWJqcjMzMzMzNg==', 'passChange', NULL, NULL, '621560', 0, 0),
(22182, 'Sayedhasib', 'Sayed Hasib', 'hasibvai33@gmail.com', '', '', 'SGFzaWJqcjMzMzM=', '18', NULL, 1, 0, 500, '2020-08-22 20:33:37', '22182', 'Sujon17', 0, NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0),
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