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Dubsmash.com Database Leaked - 162M User Records Exposed!

Dubsmash.com Database Leaked - 162M User Records Exposed!

In December 2018, the video messaging service Dubsmash experienced a data breach that exposed a total of 162 million unique email addresses, as well as usernames and PBKDF2 password hashes. Subsequently, in 2019, this data became available for sale on a dark web marketplace and started to circulate more widely.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Geographic locations, Names, Passwords, Spoken languages, Usernames

COPY "public"."users_dubsmashuser" ("id", "password", "last_login", "is_superuser", "username", "email", "is_active", "is_staff", "date_joined", "language", "secret_key", "birthday", "signup_source", "country", "updated_at", "accepted_terms_version", "first_name", "last_name", "created_in_house", "last_active_at", "facebook_id", "has_public_profile", "profile_picture") FROM stdin;
3917627 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$sVjbrq5bjjvN$i3lQK1KvO2QP1g2DieRlaTAQI/9WOfqEexrjN9MFFUY= acmd adf@fds.com en \N \N \N
8578845 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$R5ea2yRqOKR7$rxkmnA8rODw4g+TZMr8g7cS+JZhkonaS9edEDxZ4XQ0= saracasillas84 saracasillas84@gmail.com es \N \N \N
66137739 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$nnn44c5Umzlc$ZWdzzfctRhWR30Ybm4IeI5mV+p5ivwEyGebSh3loVSE= faizam28 faizam28@gmail.com en US \N \N \N
3917630 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$nflszY6nIGLs$Gk42ZOeOwORpyUIC7xNb6d0bvDVIBPHgfDFMOKCCn38= aylinflores aylinflores1000@gmail.com en \N \N \N
3917631 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$NZ9HLwzUJk4R$Z2CzgH+uUxlXZZUurYD1rB2U1Rhs96ubKmCP5jhPaig= tayonna_w tayonna_w@yahoo.com en \N \N \N
3917633 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$URGR6ZxRd0nY$78iTJJqkeCr5/d1v7807wyoMqugEMbjSFKmcu22OWnQ= globoy.guwopp fonso790@icloud.com en \N \N \N
187136753 pbkdf2_sha256$24000$6vFfM0QOAhTG$n7eQjQHRRkdJQ+cMyCrNvoZRyNZQv4xTb/1tYkvQDyc= kkddaniel00 kkydaniel007@gmail.com en US \N
62006536 pbkdf2_sha256$15000$aWVhQ9l5xKPg$IDdQlgQFDEZRxF8KabAgQxe6hyyKQ381eMmaxoJJ49M= darecamille30 darecamille30@gmail.com en US \N \N \N
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