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Gamesalad.com Database Leaked - 1.5M User Records Exposed!

Gamesalad.com Database Leaked - 1.5M User Records Exposed!

In February 2019, the education and game creation website GameSalad experienced a data breach, affecting 1.5 million user accounts. The compromised information included email addresses, usernames, IP addresses, and passwords stored as SHA-256 hashes.

Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

23 GameSalad 2008-11-22 20:36:14 snowballz.game@gmail.com \0 NULL 2017-06-16 19:33:01 NULL 212 NULL 33755ed98c36e00c4006fb26c42a8c8faacb4fa0cdb7ca3e36240b56c8da16c6 \0 NULL zratchet BoneMiddlePreventAgainst NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
24 GameSalad 2008-11-22 21:16:32 manlio@gmail.com \0 NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 NULL 213 NULL 8d39f9f75eb04271084f422bf4a7935ccf27eba4 \0 NULL manlio NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
25 GameSalad 2008-11-22 21:18:23 gixxer750@gmail.com \0 NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 NULL 214 NULL b674ac1ed5e174f49abe3e4f33c4404b55d32cd1 \0 NULL Assassin NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
26 GameSalad 2008-11-22 21:20:42 mksigma@gmail.com \0 NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 NULL 215 NULL 6931be41c68c686eb03cd5ba3a0c3411e87d2082 \0 NULL Sasho NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
27 GameSalad 2008-11-22 22:46:55 daniel.vcardenas@gmail.com \0 2010-12-16 17:14:29 2010-12-16 17:14:29 NULL 216 NULL d2f129dd306d1d7a43fcfe047ef0dbb28275f5ed65f4636a28e2cae37b81d095 \0 NULL dcardenas NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
28 GameSalad 2008-11-22 22:55:10 michael@codecobblers.com \0 NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 NULL 217 NULL 9a2d03ea02ee0582447230a38483d0d36818c5c2 \0 NULL hunleyexpress NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
29 GameSalad 2008-11-22 23:46:49 maxrob1@gmail.com \0 NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 NULL 218 NULL 3f2e1f08a5b49d840894c542a4b17ca4771bfa37 \0 NULL infinitegames NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
30 GameSalad 2008-11-23 01:28:27 gautam.dey77@gmail.com \0 NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 NULL 219 NULL 4ea227a01cb4112c1e4c2f7b1e211804280c2f8f \0 NULL gdey NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
31 GameSalad 2008-11-23 01:50:08 artificerarms@gmail.com NULL 2010-11-20 16:26:37 \0 NULL 220 NULL 79ab12eddb04508677851a0b658449393c8a3cab \0 NULL Negabyte NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL www.gamesalad.com NULL NULL NULL NULL
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