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Globalcrypto.exchange Database Leaked - 700k User Records Exposed!

Globalcrypto.exchange Database Leaked - 700k User Records Exposed!

Around 2021, the cryptocurrency exchange platform known as "Global Crypto Trading Exchange," which prides itself on being a secure and regulated platform for cryptocurrency trading, fell victim to a data breach. This incident led to the exposure of sensitive user information. Specifically, the breach included the following data points for more than 700,000 users:
  • Email addresses
  • Geographic locations
  • IP addresses
  • Names
  • Usernames
  • Passwords
The breach was significant in scale, and the information was made publicly available in CSV format.

Compromised data: id`; `user_id`; `ref_id`; `nom_id`; `username`; `password`; `t_code`; `first_name`; `last_name`; `email`; `contact_no`; `gender`; `date_of_birth`; `address_line1`; `address_line2`; `country`; `state`; `city`; `zip_code`; `bank_name`; `branch_name`; `ifsc_code`; `account_holder_name`; `account_no`; `facebook_link`; `twitter_link`; `linkedin_link`; `google_plus_link`; `registration_date`; `auto_registration_date`; `registration_method`; `registration_method_name`; `registration_status`; `binary_pos`; `pkg_id`; `pkg_amount`; `rank_id`; `rank_name`; `last_login`; `current_login_status`; `active_status`; `panel_title`; `image`; `member_type`; `business_plan_update_date`; `ref_leg_position`; `nom_leg_position`; `stage_name`)

(181994, NULL, NULL, NULL, '453180760', 0, 'youngrapperisherenoni@gmail.com', 'GCX1608012304', '2020-12-15 22:15:25', NULL, ''),
(181995, NULL, NULL, NULL, '483145939', 0, 'heidiedelacion29@gmail.com', '123456', '2020-12-15 22:15:37', NULL, ''),
(181996, NULL, NULL, NULL, '685894329', 0, 'hanoisaigon1966@gmail.com', '123456', '2020-12-15 22:15:38', NULL, ''),
(181997, NULL, NULL, NULL, '165575793', 0, 'pastoorkitselaar@gmail.com', 'GCX1608019646', '2020-12-15 22:15:49', NULL, ''),
(181998, NULL, NULL, NULL, '522437022', 0, 'Nazeeboy123@gmail.com', 'GCX1608064824', '2020-12-15 22:15:50', NULL, ''),
(181999, NULL, NULL, NULL, '658451570', 1, 'abubakarsulaimansulaiman123@gmail.com', 'GC3367995', '2020-12-15 22:16:00', NULL, ''),
(182000, NULL, NULL, NULL, '658689928', 0, 'longjournykwa@gmail.com', 'GCX1607846839', '2020-12-15 22:16:06', NULL, ''),
(182001, NULL, NULL, NULL, '871419544', 0, 'hassanisah047@gmail.com', 'GC8605775', '2020-12-15 22:16:10', NULL, ''),
(182002, NULL, NULL, NULL, '840080379', 1, 'sbean44@yahoo.com', 'GC3160335', '2020-12-15 22:16:30', NULL, ''),
(182003, NULL, NULL, NULL, '147502864', 0, 'sossam124@gmail.com', 'GCX1607580447', '2020-12-15 22:16:35', NULL, ''),
(182004, NULL, NULL, NULL, '238807681', 0, 'amoussouhornella@gmail.com', 'GCX1608070205', '2020-12-15 22:17:07', NULL, ''),
(182005, NULL, NULL, NULL, '666975229', 0, 'wonuolahoriyomee@gmail.com', 'GCX1607186780', '2020-12-15 22:17:10', NULL, ''),
(182006, NULL, NULL, NULL, '189088817', 1, 'debavictor@gmail.com', '123456', '2020-12-15 22:17:20', NULL, ''),
(182007, NULL, NULL, NULL, '699035119', 0, 'erfancoin1@gmail.com', 'GCX1607869756', '2020-12-15 22:17:21', NULL, ''),
(182008, NULL, NULL, NULL, '636192035', 1, 'bukunmiaminat08@yandex.com', 'GCX1607962104', '2020-12-15 22:17:22', NULL, ''),
(182009, NULL, NULL, NULL, '858255816', 1, 'aadhyareddy@inbox.lv', 'GCX1607955881', '2020-12-15 22:17:24', NULL, ''),
(182010, NULL, NULL, NULL, '640284222', 0, 'jo6ffran6@gmail.com', '123456', '2020-12-15 22:17:26', NULL, ''),
(182011, NULL, NULL, NULL, '982547208', 0, 'abrilalianyven@gmail.com', 'GCX1608067194', '2020-12-15 22:17:35', NULL, ''),
(182012, NULL, NULL, NULL, '105885417', 0, 'nathanielwizn222@gmail.com', '123456', '2020-12-15 22:17:39', NULL, ''),
(182013, NULL, NULL, NULL, '358510179', 1, 'luiz.06munizz+conta302@gmail.com', 'GC3996875', '2020-12-15 22:17:50', NULL, ''),
(182014, NULL, NULL, NULL, '279445762', 0, 'otasowie.franklyn890@gmail.com', 'GCX1607793766', '2020-12-15 22:17:55', NULL, ''),
(182015, NULL, NULL, NULL, '824009178', 1, 'padfunhat@magim.be', 'GC1395775', '2020-12-15 22:18:07', NULL, ''),
(182016, NULL, NULL, NULL, '867388869', 1, 'luiz.06munizz+conta303@gmail.com', 'GC3996875', '2020-12-15 22:18:14', NULL, ''),

(1436666, 'GCX1609323273', 'GCX1609006762', 'GCX1609006762', 'kinzone7ssnegi@gmail.com', 'Kinzone66', 'Kinzone66', 'Shyam Singh', NULL, 'kinzone7ssnegi@gmail.com', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'IN', NULL, 'Shimla', NULL, '', NULL, 'globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', 'https://globalcrypto.exchange/join-us/MjI3MTU2Nzgw/a2luem9uZTdzc25lZ2lAZ21haWwuY29t', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '30-12-2020', '2020-12-30 10:14:33', '1', 'E-wallet', '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Stage1 ZONE', NULL, '0', '1', 'User Panel', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'feeder_stage'),
(1436667, 'GCX1609323277', 'GCX1609261226', 'GCX1609261226', 'kngdavidok@gmail.com', 'MCITP-result', 'MCITP-result', 'Davidok', NULL, 'kngdavidok@gmail.com', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NG', NULL, 'Lagos', NULL, '', NULL, 'globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', 'https://globalcrypto.exchange/join-us/OTk3OTA1NjQw/a25nZGF2aWRva0BnbWFpbC5jb20=', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '30-12-2020', '2020-12-30 10:14:37', '1', 'E-wallet', '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Stage1 ZONE', NULL, '0', '1', 'User Panel', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'feeder_stage'),
(1436668, 'GCX1609323292', 'GCX1609313715', 'GCX1609313715', 'shraddhadhage1915@gmail.com', 'shraddha0805', 'shraddha0805', 'Shraddha Milind Dhage ', NULL, 'shraddhadhage1915@gmail.com', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'IN', NULL, 'Pune', NULL, '', NULL, 'globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', 'https://globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '30-12-2020', '2020-12-30 10:14:52', '1', 'E-wallet', '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Stage1 ZONE', NULL, '0', '1', 'User Panel', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'feeder_stage'),
(1436669, 'GCX1609323296', 'GCX1609224786', 'GCX1609224786', 'raichursaivarun5@gmail.com', 'sangeetha123$', 'sangeetha123$', 'RAICHUR SAIVARUN', NULL, 'raichursaivarun5@gmail.com', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'IN', NULL, 'Hyderabad', NULL, '', NULL, 'globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', 'https://globalcrypto.exchange/join-us/NjgxNDE0MTEw/cmFpY2h1cnNhaXZhcnVuNUBnbWFpbC5jb20=', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '30-12-2020', '2020-12-30 10:14:56', '1', 'E-wallet', '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Stage1 ZONE', NULL, '1', '1', 'User Panel', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'feeder_stage'),
(1436670, 'GCX1609323300', 'GCX1608387752', 'GCX1608387752', 'sohailkhan010190@gmail.com', 'sohil1234@', 'sohil1234@', 'Sohil', NULL, 'sohailkhan010190@gmail.com', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'IN', NULL, 'New Delhi', NULL, '', NULL, 'globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', 'https://globalcrypto.exchange/join-us/NDAxMTU5NDc4/c29oYWlsa2hhbjAxMDE5MEBnbWFpbC5jb20=', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '30-12-2020', '2020-12-30 10:15:00', '1', 'E-wallet', '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Stage1 ZONE', NULL, '0', '1', 'User Panel', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'feeder_stage'),
(1436671, 'GCX1609323346', 'GCX1609310700', 'GCX1609310700', 'mujahidmuktari91@gmail.com', 'mujahid91', 'mujahid91', 'MUJAHID muktari', NULL, 'mujahidmuktari91@gmail.com', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NG', NULL, 'Lagos', NULL, '', NULL, 'globalcrypto.exchange/front/register', 'https://globalcrypto.exchange/join-us/NjUwMzc4MTg0/bXVqYWhpZG11a3Rhcmk5MUBnbWFpbC5jb20=', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '30-12-2020', '2020-12-30 10:15:46', '1', 'E-wallet', '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Stage1 ZONE', NULL, '0', '1', 'User Panel', NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'feeder_stage'),
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