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IndiaMart.com Database Leaked - 20M User Records Exposed!

IndiaMart.com Database Leaked - 20M User Records Exposed!

In May 2021, a significant data breach occurred involving Indian e-commerce company IndiaMART, with approximately 38 million records from the breach later found to be traded on a popular hacking forum. The compromised data, dating back several months, included over 20 million unique email addresses, as well as names, phone numbers, and physical addresses. The circumstances surrounding this breach raise questions about whether the exposure of these data attributes was intentional or if it resulted from an exploitation of a vulnerability within the platform. This incident underscores the need for stringent security measures to protect user data on online platforms.
  • Breach date: 23 May 2021
  • Compromised accounts: 20,154,583
Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

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