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Spb.dom.ru Database Leaked - 3.5M User Records Exposed!

Spb.dom.ru Database Leaked - 3.5M User Records Exposed!

It has come to our attention that on November 9, 2021, a substantial data breach occurred, impacting a Russian Internet service provider operating in St. Petersburg known as spb.dom.ru. This incident has raised serious concerns about data privacy and security practices, underscoring the importance of safeguarding sensitive information in an era where digital threats are pervasive.
Key details about this breach are as follows:
  • Website: spb.dom.ru
  • Country: Russia
  • Date: November 9, 2021
  • Total Data Size: 689 MB
  • Affected Data Files:
    • spb_phones: 3,598,209 rows
    • spb_clients: 2,401,071 rows
The dataset comprises a wide range of sensitive information, including:
  • Full names and addresses
  • Tax Identification Numbers (TIN)
  • Full names of directors and bank details for legal entities
  • Dates of birth
  • Telephone numbers (2.7 million unique numbers)
  • Other undisclosed data
This incident has led to the public availability of this data, raising serious concerns about data privacy and the potential misuse of personal and sensitive information. The breach emphasizes the importance of robust cybersecurity practices and the need for organizations to secure their databases against unauthorized access.
As this incident pertains to SPB.DOM.RU, a prominent Russian Internet provider, it is vital for the organization to address and rectify the security issues that led to this breach. Data breaches like this one serve as stark reminders of the ongoing need for stringent cybersecurity measures in our digital age.

Compromised data: Address, Telephone numbers, Names, Dates of birth, Tax Identification Numbers

2565057 27355945 "МТМ-Путь" 3 "" "" "" "" "044030707" "40702810736060006125" "30101810240300000707" "Ф-л № 7806 ВТБ 24(ЗАО) в ГРКЦ ГУ Банка России по г.Санкт-Петербургу" "Устава" "Пирожкова Юлия Михайловна" "" 49996 "8-Н" "" 586161 "" "Пирожкова Юлия Михайловна" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Пирожковой Юлии Михайловны" "Генерального директора" "" "" "7811537085" "" "" "781101001" "49.20" 556 11.06.19
2565060 27355968 "Григорьева Юлия Васильевна" "" "650+10+450р на руки, пасп данные взять" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 51635 "175" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 17.10.90 556 05.03.15
2565061 27355974 "Голотина Алла Владимировна" 17 "" "" "" "" "044030809" "40802810705100000197" "30101810740300000809" "Ф-л ПТР ПАО ""Ханты-Мансийский Банк Открытие"" г. Санкт-Петербурга" "Свидетельства ОГРНИП 305784704200790" "Голотина Алла Владимировна" "" 278857 "" "" 50464 "" "Голотина Алла Владимировна" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Голотиной Аллы Владимировны" "" "" "" "781100655852" "" "" "" "47.9" 556 17.06.17
2565063 27355982 "Плотникова Елена Викторовна" "" "Взять паспортные данные, взять денег - 480р" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 45024 "111" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 18.08.75 556 03.03.15
2565065 27355999 "Штеймак Илья Константинович" "" "монтажнику взять паспортные данные и 650р, настройка роутера бесплатно" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 44353 "564" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 27.06.91 556 03.03.15
2565067 27356021 "Анищенко Игорь Николаевич" "" "Взять паспортные данные, к оплате 480 р." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 48383 "6" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 28.10.94 556 02.03.15
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