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Tesco.com Database Leaked - 2k User Records Exposed!

Tesco.com Database Leaked - 2k User Records Exposed!

In February 2014, a security incident came to light involving over 2,000 Tesco accounts. These accounts had their usernames, passwords, and loyalty card balances exposed, and the details were discovered on Pastebin. The exact source of this breach remains unclear. However, it's notable that many individuals verified that the compromised credentials were indeed valid for Tesco. This incident raised concerns about the state of Tesco's online security practices at the time, suggesting vulnerabilities in their system. Approximately 2,239 user accounts were affected in this breach, highlighting the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and data protection practices in the digital age.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Reward program balances

62/2240 | Cancheck | cat_smith@btinternet.com | Mybunny1 |
63/2240 | Live ==> | maryatfirshill@yahoo.co.uk | maytime | Vouchers : £12.00
64/2240 | Cancheck | normskiandpipski@highrocks.wanadoo.co.uk | smartie54 |
65/2240 | Cancheck | emmc77@msn.com | ellie123 |
66/2240 | Live ==> | soslanza@gmail.com | spike1 | Vouchers : £0
67/2240 | Live ==> | emmahopwood45@hotmail.com | martha456 | Vouchers : £12.50
68/2240 | Live ==> | nathan.rafferty@btinternet.com | cornwall | Vouchers : £13.50
69/2240 | Live ==> | pumpkinseventyfour@yahoo.co.uk | dragon | Vouchers : £13.50
70/2240 | Live ==> | Acable12@sky.com | Mickey7 | Vouchers : £13.50
71/2240 | Live ==> | amanda.mercer@hotmail.co.uk | OctOpus80 | Vouchers : £13.50
72/2240 | Live ==> | emmaloveday1@yahoo.co.uk | miajones1 | Vouchers : £13.50
73/2240 | Live ==> | establoes@yahoo.co.uk | johnny | Vouchers : £13.50
74/2240 | Live ==> | robharris82@hotmail.co.uk | 2396rh82 | Vouchers : £13.50
75/2240 | Live ==> | brianhawe@bethere.co.uk | bruins | Vouchers : £13.50
76/2240 | Live ==> | aparaskevas@brookes.ac.uk | faethon | Vouchers : £13.50
77/2240 | Live ==> | marcia.leek@hmps.gsi.gov.uk | Blossom | Vouchers : £14.50
78/2240 | Live ==> | lesley198@tiscali.co.uk | bellasuzie | Vouchers : £13.50
79/2240 | Live ==> | spaceneon@aol.com | mothball | Vouchers : £13.50
80/2240 | Live ==> | annie_stephens@yahoo.co.uk | dinodog1 | Vouchers : £13.50
81/2240 | Live ==> | elaineheane@aol.com | settle | Vouchers : £13.50
82/2240 | Live ==> | julia.booth@hotmail.co.uk | Smooth1 | Vouchers : £13.50
83/2240 | Live ==> | denisevane@blueyonder.co.uk | tempest | Vouchers : £13.50
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