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Twitter.com Database Leaked - 211 Million User Records Exposed!

Twitter.com Database Leaked - 211 Million User Records Exposed!

In early 2023, more than 200 million records scraped from Twitter surfaced on the BreachForums, gathered in 2021 through the misuse of an API that linked email addresses to Twitter profiles. The dataset includes email addresses and public Twitter profile details such as names, usernames, and follower counts. Notably, this leak is substantial, with an uncompressed size of 59.17GB and a compressed size of 12.27GB, and users should exercise caution. The compromised data encompasses names, email addresses, social media profiles, and usernames.

Compromised data: Names, Email addrresses, Social media profiles, Usernames

Email: marycollins3342@yahoo.com - Name: clarisa - ScreenName: marycollins3342 - Followers: 0 - Created At: Sun Oct 26 17:52:59 +0000 2014
Email: lauraric@aol.com - Name: laura Ricketts` - ScreenName: lauraric - Followers: 4 - Created At: Fri Sep 04 19:26:07 +0000 2009
Email: marinadaniel57@yahoo.com.br - Name: marina dos santos - ScreenName: marinadossanto3 - Followers: 57 - Created At: Mon Aug 01 01:11:20 +0000 2011
Email: lynleyz@yahoo.com.au - Name: Lynley - ScreenName: Lynleyz - Followers: 2 - Created At: Mon Feb 07 02:56:24 +0000 2011
Email: info0714a@yahoo.com.br - Name: Ricardo Almeida - ScreenName: info0714a - Followers: 1 - Created At: Thu Sep 04 20:09:29 +0000 2014
Email: bros_suffian@yahoo.com.my - Name: MOHD SUFFIAN BIN IDR - ScreenName: YAN_JAH - Followers: 2 - Created At: Sun Feb 20 14:23:01 +0000 2011
Email: alfaz001@yahoo.com - Name: Alfaz - ScreenName: alfaz001 - Followers: 0 - Created At: Wed Feb 22 15:50:29 +0000 2012
Email: decina@live.com.au - Name: Cine Allen - ScreenName: Decinaa - Followers: 0 - Created At: Thu Apr 12 08:55:27 +0000 2012
Email: grannetty@aol.com - Name: Donald White - ScreenName: grannetty - Followers: 1 - Created At: Thu Jun 11 18:00:19 +0000 2009
Email: adrianestreit25@yahoo.com.br - Name: Adriane Streit - ScreenName: Adry_streit - Followers: 1 - Created At: Wed Jan 11 16:49:46 +0000 2012
Email: crocs@live.com.au - Name: Nay-Bel-Ash - ScreenName: NayBelAsh - Followers: 0 - Created At: Wed Apr 27 22:59:15 +0000 2011
Email: yukonlandman@yahoo.com - Name: Justin Schulz - ScreenName: yukonlandman - Followers: 2 - Created At: Fri Dec 10 15:23:34 +0000 2010
Email: shoffivina@yahoo.com - Name: shoffinah husein - ScreenName: shoffinahhusein - Followers: 1 - Created At: Wed May 19 13:01:39 +0000 2010
Email: mr_yoso_29@yahoo.com - Name: Ralph Loayaga - ScreenName: Aburido_na - Followers: 1 - Created At: Sun Sep 19 04:33:23 +0000 2010
Email: wadelhalfaia@yahoo.com - Name: Khalid Munir Hassan - ScreenName: KhalidMunirHass - Followers: 11 - Created At: Thu Oct 11 07:15:41 +0000 2012
Email: ariafar@live.com - Name: Spots Play - ScreenName: spotsplay - Followers: 0 - Created At: Tue Mar 01 18:05:18 +0000 2016
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