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12,000 Overseas Chinese Residing in the United States (with phones & emails)


Staff member
Data for 12,000 overseas Chinese residing in the United States has been leaked, including contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses.

Chinese in the United States,"","","8123695985","","","8123695985","674224371@qq.com","674224371@qq.com"
Chinese in the United States,"jx","Jiayue","xie","","","2165012880","576434916@qq.com","21650128801"
Chinese in the United States,"XG","Xincheng","Gu","","","7025263232","786210824@qq.com","7025263232"
Chinese in the United States,"","Yong J","Liu","","","9172096599","565532182@qq.com","565532182@qq.com"
Chinese in the United States,"","Xiao Yan ","Yan ","","","6463395408","547187858@qq.com","547187858@qq.com"