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13,000 Forex traders (UK and Europe) Fresh Pulled!


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13,000 Forex traders data leaked, including email addresses, names, surnames, countries, country codes, phone numbers, brokers, account levels, trading classes, and trading styles, with a focus on users from the UK and Europe.

kriistiina@live.dk Kristina Pedersen Denmark 45 30967912 Do not have live forex account Standard (10K) Intermediate [CFDs, Commodities, Equities] [Intraday]
vholmes1384@gmail.com vicki Holmes United Kingdom 44 7858737142 Do not have live forex account None Beginner [Commodities] [Automatic]
charleeyllewellyn@icloud.com Charlotte Llewellyn United Kingdom 44 7718165086 Alpari Micro (1K) Beginner [Bonds, Commodities, Equities] [Scalper]