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20k Instagram.com Users Full Details (Active Sessions) with UserIDs


Staff member
20,000 Instagram.com users' full details, including active sessions and UserIDs, have been leaked.

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JSON data profile record for a users. Here's a breakdown of the key fields:

  • comments: Number of comments made by the user.
  • followers: Number of followers the user has.
  • following: Number of users the user is following.
  • likes: Number of likes received by the user.
  • posts: Number of posts made by the user.
  • yaf: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • created_at: Date and time when the user profile was created.
  • devices: List of devices associated with the user's account.
  • email: Email address associated with the user's account (appears twice).
  • email_verified: Indicates whether the user's email address has been verified.
  • ext_user_id: External user ID.
  • fetched_at: Date and time when the profile information was last fetched.
  • first_name: First name of the user.
  • gender: Gender of the user.
  • hometown: Hometown information including ID and name.
  • last_name: Last name of the user.
  • link: Link to the user's profile on Facebook and Instagram
  • locale: Locale setting for the user.
  • location: Location information including ID and name.
  • name: Full name of the user.
  • timezone: Timezone offset from UTC.
  • verified: Indicates whether the user's profile is