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49k Facebook.com Users (Private-Pulled) | Scraped-API | All GEO


Staff member
Information about the users Facebook account including ID, email, access token, user ID, first name, last name, link, locale, name, timezone, updated time, username, and verification status totally 49k.

"mig" : 1, "ntf" : 112, "posts" : 0, "tntf" : 1, "yaf" : 1 }, "created_at" : { "$date" : 1307769405399 }, "devices" : [ "ios2:4a7b41c078254b725580676780f2c46211e732df" ], "email" : "ronald.shepherd@gmail.com", "email_verified" : true, "fb_info" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "4df2fa3d9a08812bc4000002" }, "email" : "ronald.shepherd@gmail.com", "ext_access_token" : "CAACmQ6zHxvsBAIZBwkdyrdu16nWDyPYWYkeCbOLR39zNQUdElxfta79SFOc0hZAKnZBK468y4GVS3bx47YOwq8ZAVjZCZAZAZBDzDSgICTCXdMqa2uXYjWN9jAcJrl3BDXsBtoFzNGLjMgdTAbk0X0PiehKW6ZBBawCicbpaA7viskNtuxABOYK3LD3AdgeNiZAsGCrJjuIpkFRpAA8GBWqZBy6", "ext_permissions" : { "installed" : 1, "basic_info" : 1, "public_profile" : 1, "status_update" : 1, "photo_upload" : 1, "video_upload" : 1, "offline_access" : 1, "email" : 1, "create_note" : 1, "share_item" : 1, "publish_stream" : 1, "publish_actions" : 1, "user_friends" : 1 }, "ext_token_expr" : { "$date" : 1396191805000 }, "ext_user_id" : "557076216", "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1307769405327 }, "first_name" : "Ronald", "gender" : "male", "hometown" : { "id" : "", "name" : null }, "last_name" : "Shepherd", "link" : "http://www.facebook.com/ronshepherd", "locale" : "en_US", "name" : "Ronald Shepherd", "timezone" : -7, "updated_time" : "2011-06-01T22:21:53+0000", "username" : "ronshepherd", "verified" : true }, "fb_user_id" : "557076216", "first_name" : "Ronald", "gender" : "male", "_id" : { "$oid" : "4e6a9537cd62f5543b000026" } }, "reg_method" : "fb", "seg" : { "sup" : "B" }, "status" : "active", "username" : "ronalds" }
"mig" : 1, "ntf" : 190, "posts" : 32, "shares" : 5, "yaf" : 1 }, "created_at" : { "$date" : 1307814446449 }, "devices" : [ "ios2:53536ffebdde087260ae37f118091af32d7622c5" ], "email" : "michelle.fetsch@gmail.com", "email_verified" : true, "fb_info" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "4df3aa2ecd2af66302000002" }, "email" : "michelle.fetsch@gmail.com", "ext_access_token" : "CAACmQ6zHxvsBAEpdSq6dwSx0FPGsoZC0RLqlvtMvWHVuy7KIYOXR7Q0GrlQulUPTTjPEjZCb0i73hg8BtttpWBuHr05D2QsJmWw7yOf4J5TsR1ZAZB9lnffvT2bMH2ny0STmDnu17p1lgUfntAEbx9NWdSf0RM8H7yMxpNL0leMtLCI97rgUmDNxSml0vRt1ADh28ZBfe9rc9FSOyZCZB3lM8XERk2GEKQZD", "ext_permissions" : { "public_profile" : 1, "email" : 1, "publish_actions" : 1, "user_friends" : 1 }, "ext_token_expr" : null, "ext_user_id" : "528888480", "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1307814446438 }, "first_name" : "Michelle", "gender" : "female", "hometown" : { "id" : "105981812766327", "name" : "Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota" }, "last_name" : "Fetsch", "link" : "http://www.facebook.com/michelle.fetsch", "locale" : "en_US", "location" : { "id" : "114952118516947", "name" : "San Francisco, California" }, "name" : "Michelle Fetsch", "timezone" : -7, "updated_time" : "2011-06-05T20:29:53+0000", "username" : "michelle.fetsch", "verified" : true, "work" : [ { "employer" : { "id" : "116178931769542", "name" : "Women Enough" }, "location" : { "id" : "114952118516947", "name" : "San Francisco, California" }, "position" : { "id" : "140946779270520", "name" : "Founder/Creative Director" }, "start_date" : "2010-07", "profile" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "4e6a9537cd62f5543b000027" }, "city" : "San Francisco", "state" : "California", "zip" : "94109" }, "pv2" : { "desc" : "San Francisco, California", "ct" : "San Francisco", "st" : "CA", "zc" : "94109", "csid" : { "$oid" : "566761165632a06f48006cd5" } }, "reg_method" : "fb", "seg" : { "sup" : "B" }, "settings" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "50f82e37d16c8b7515004e4d" }, "ntf" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "50f82e37d16c8b7515004e4e" }, "ev_inv" : false, "ev_rmdr" : false, "fl" : false, "lk" : false } }
"ntf" : 262, "posts" : 5, "tntf" : 1, "yaf" : 1 }, "created_at" : { "$date" : 1308173347945 }, "devices" : [ "ios2:46af36a65bbe2e0c54903fa0f4d1d46d08817895", "ios2:535b039550bd8c8e3ba789a9ee27018b22ade8ec", "ios2:ef7d72c6f1672977607dbd486f7d9d096b320399" ], "email" : "bhavna_buddha@yahoo.com", "email_verified" : true, "fb_info" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "4df924239a08814076000004" }, "email" : "bhavna_buddha@yahoo.com", "ext_access_token" : "CAACmQ6zHxvsBAJWXIXtohzRfNlOH4IUSsGVaz2ILSun75T3DUgMKXFltyEVqv6AN9wHm6zIUQoPDhy63eYOn20YZBPFDabFmEQiZCayvO49UI1deGmx1i1JSZAD0SNxlnhEfPABNsoi9Ah8MbKOWCI2LVZBS39SZBFmTTPF6AlWHEmh1c3tISAHHxiXQTjM2o2PmtJWEwpCz3OLe7Y04O", "ext_permissions" : { "email" : 1, "public_profile" : 1, "user_friends" : 1, "installed" : 1, "basic_info" : 1 }, "ext_token_expr" : { "$date" : 1433117900000 }, "ext_user_id" : "1077805559", "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1308173347936 }, "first_name" : "Bhavna", "gender" : "female", "hometown" : { "id" : "106195286079189", "name" : "Flower Mound, Texas" }, "last_name" : "Vashisht", "link" : "http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1077805559", "locale" : "en_US", "location" : { "id" : "111762725508574", "name" : "Dallas, Texas" }, "name" : "Bhavna Vashisht", "timezone" : -5, "updated_time" : "2011-06-07T20:12:48+0000", "verified" : true }, "fb_user_id" : "1077805559", "first_name" : "Bhavna", "gender" : "female", "last_name" : "Vashisht", "last_viewed_notification" : { "$oid" : "4fcbe2416056d50b1600c53e" }, "lns" : 800, "profile" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "4e6a9537cd62f5543b000028" }, Texas", "ct" : "Flower Mound", "st" : "TX", "zc" : "75028", "csid" : { "$oid" : "566760ff5632a06f48005db3" } }, "reg_method" : "fb", "seg" : { "sup" : "D" }, "settings" : { "email" : { "a" : true, "c" : true, "day" : false, "ei" : true, "f" : true, "l" : true }, "ntf" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "54dbbd94b198b04b7d01f0d1" }, "fl" : false, "lk" : false, "cm" : false, "ev_inv" : false

Here's a breakdown of the key fields:

  • mig: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • ntf: Number of notifications.
  • posts: Number of posts made by the user.
  • tntf: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • yaf: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • created_at: Date and time when the user profile was created.
  • devices: List of devices associated with the user's account.
  • disb: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • disr: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • email: Email address associated with the user's account.
  • email_verified: Indicates whether the user's email address has been verified.
  • fb_info: Information about the user's Facebook account including ID, email, access token, user ID, first name, last name, link, locale, name, timezone, updated time, username, and verification status.
  • fb_user_id: Facebook user ID.
  • first_name: First name of the user.
  • gender: Gender of the user.
  • last_name: Last name of the user.
  • last_viewed_notification: ID of the last viewed notification.
  • lns: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • profile: Information about the user's profile including city, dress size, shoe size, state, website, and zip code.
  • pv2: Additional information about the user's profile including city, state, dress size, shoe size, and others.
  • status: Status of the user's account (active, inactive, etc.).
  • tw_info: Information about the user's Twitter account including ID, access token, token secret, user ID, and username.