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66,000 Users Engaged in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Transactions in Canada


Staff member
A data breach has occurred involving a database containing information on 66,000 users engaged in business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions in Canada. The leaked data includes details such as:

  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Contact title
  • Email address
  • Web address
  • Major division description
  • SIC 2 code
  • SIC 2 code description
  • SIC 4 code
  • SIC 4 code description
  • Address
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal code
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number
  • Number of employees
  • Sales in USD

COMPANY NAME CONTACT NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME CONTACT TITLE EMAIL ADDRESS WEB ADDRESS MAJOR DIVISION DESCRIPTION SIC 2 CODE SIC 2 CODE DESCRIPTION SIC 4 CODE SIC 4 CODE DESCRIPTION ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER EMPLOYEES SALES USD Gammon Gold James L Alert L Alert Director of Mexican Operations, Director james.alert@gammongold.com www.gammongold.com Mining 10 Metal Mining 1041 Gold Ores 1601 Lower Water Street Suite 402 Summit Place Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 9024680614 9024680631 20 Gammon Gold John E Verwaayen E Verwaayen President and Chief Executive Officer john.verwaayen@gammongold.com www.gammongold.com Mining 10 Metal Mining 1041 Gold Ores 1601 Lower Water Street Suite 402 Summit Place Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 9024680614 9024680631 20 Gammon Gold Dennis B Foley B Foley Senior Vice President - Exploration & Business Dev dennis.foley@gammongold.com www.gammongold.com Mining 10 Metal Mining 1041 Gold Ores 1601 Lower Water Street Suite 402 Summit Place Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 9024680614 9024680631 20 Gammon Gold Tod J Joel J Joel Vice President - Finance tod.joel@gammongold.com www.gammongold.com Mining 10 Metal Mining 1041 Gold Ores 1601 Lower Water Street Suite 402 Summit Place Halifax NS B3J 2Z1 9024680614 9024680631 20 Benjamin Paul R Sinsheimer R Sinsheimer Application Manager paul.sinsheimer@benjaminheating.com www.benjaminheating.com Manufacturing 20 Food and Kindred Products 2013 Manufacturing PO Box 2079 Springhill NS 9025973796 50