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95k Pinterest.com Users Full Details (Active Sessions) with Usernames & Emails


Staff member
95,000 Pinterest.com users full details, including active sessions, usernames, and emails, have been leaked.

( Exclusive Leak For b1nd.net users )

"ntf" : 832, "posts" : 181, "referrals" : 1, "shares" : 96, "tntf" : 4, "yaf" : 1 }, "cover_shot" : { "created_at" : { "$date" : 1354306831356 }, "_id" : { "$oid" : "50b91513bdb6003705017446" }, "picture_filename" : "50b91513bdb6003705017446.jpg", "content_type" : "image/jpeg" }, "created_at" : { "$date" : 1323213933000 }, "devices" : [ "ios2:3f16a91941513ee90d53ec436644d5cbd9ea37d9", "ios2:4b9262ca7d0048257dc8e8200f21666363abcc73", "ios2:97aedf4fb12dfc0a9440e1dca3ebae1d73d8c185", "ios2:9b3f2eff17b0a0eae2dc187e2648aa3d2669f2e2" ], "email" : "mizz1cookie@yahoo.com", "email_verified" : true, "fb_info" : { "ext_user_id" : "580913656", "ext_access_token" : "CAACmQ6zHxvsBANZClxZAIEx8UNyo8jNwA32JEmvQMQPV2eWrCCLxmW6zZBUdxDHU648WCDqAkQLisAPzFbkEVj6rWZBhs0dc5Kbp9gffavzJLaqcV5IXZCqIAJhAzHbpyb1llKiHUzNLnrHWfBKRfCMz5tyaWAoVZBRcbQD7Eb0E3a1UMRZAR2wZB3fZBiG3sqfXK5Q6bJW0L509f6whfZA0UTvw3Nv1gAuKkl0ZBURL3ZBuvwC0C1wMGJPYCs3vPo8WgTLsEgODVnSZBJAZDZD", "ext_token_expr" : { "$date" : 1458608879000 }, "ext_username" : null, "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1323213933000 }, "ext_permissions" : { "email" : 1, "offline_access" : 1, "user_friends" : 1, "publish_actions" : 1, "public_profile" : 1 }, "_id" : { "$oid" : "4edea46d3d641319630002d7" }, "ext_token_secret" : null }, "fb_user_id" : "580913656", "first_name" : "Melissa", "gender" : "female", "last_name" : "Dropdeadgorgeous", "last_viewed_notification" : { "$oid" : "5155aa925a38f33c88004d01" }, "lns" : 1832, null : "null$IDUlIZTFFHUfAusRUPl8S.w3W/NxbVobhnZfMI4CCq/mpuy4hA/FC", "passwd_upd_at" : { "$date" : 1379353458792 }, "pn_info" : { "bio" : "", "first_name" : "Melissa", "last_name" : "Dropdeadgorgeous", "account_type" : "individual", "url" : "https://www.pinterest.com/mdropdeadgorgeo/", "created_at" : "2013-10-24T14:04:04", "image" : { "60x60" : { "url" : "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/avatars/mdropdeadgorgeo_1382623445_60.jpg", "width" : 60, "height" : 60 } }, "counts" : { "pins" : 267, "followers" : 35, "boards" : 6, "likes" : 144 }, "ext_user_id" : "335307272165015594", "ext_username" : "mdropdeadgorgeo", "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1448980697958 }, "ext_access_token" : "AU63rgc5f8n9jv_MRCdQwbaBEVJhFBvQQ7-VvYJCrVJM--As3wAAAAA", "ext_permissions" : { "read_relationships" : 1, "write_public" : 1 }, "_id" : { "$oid" : "565db0d9c9927de27d006c5b" } }, "profile" : { "zip" : "60632" }, "pv2" : { "ct" : "Chicago", "st" : "IL", "zc" : "60632", "csid" : { "$oid" : "566760e35632a06f48004aec" } }, "reg_method" : "fb", "seg" : { "sup" : "E" }, "settings" : { "ntf" : { "fl" : true, "lk" : true, "cm" : true, "ev_inv" : false, "ev_rmdr" : true, "cr" : true, "dtd" : true, "fn" : true }, "pins" : { "ob" : { "bid" : "335307203445926756", "nm" : "My Posh Picks", "en" : true }, "nm" : "My Posh Closet", "en" : true } } }, "sizes" : { "dr" : [ "8" ]
"ntf" : 51627, "posts" : 1749, "referrals" : 3, "shares" : 185, "tntf" : 106, "yaf" : 1 }, "cover_shot" : { "created_at" : { "$date" : 1410791371396 }, "_id" : { "$oid" : "5416f7d5de4f283cf327f160" }, "picture" : "5416f7d5de4f283cf327f160.jpg", "content_type" : "image/jpeg" }, "created_at" : { "$date" : 1323282743000 }, "devices" : [ "ios2:628b6e35fac7fe868c589fd4adf706649d3b2370", "ios2:5bfece9de5e8d43b6f586696495480f4c4c63cff", "ios2:ad30abc8752f4c37245de76101b30a9e33067c45", "ida:812273431380642663", "ios2:12a3090c528ca1631c2406008d1d587699b1a322" ], "eb" : false, "ebat" : { "$date" : 1427149855313 }, "email" : "hannahbouimet@gmail.com", "email_verified" : true, "fb_info" : { "ext_user_id" : "660850065", "ext_access_token" : "CAACmQ6zHxvsBAASptJMKJrunL5HlakBluMMgqi9hlaBsEQYq5DWCudeZBEKUvu10zUJEvZBPtYZAVMggusi0jheA04aNNdZAzSY1QGS2QOhYIxZBenZCGAF5AVVmFZC1zKWcFv9T8Gr0m9oLVbFn5q14liDI8pLfnyHtRlrlg8ZAr6INFTJUfERb717GAKQJnZArbi2HzHv9OhhU8KXtqsKghcHHfbLxMBgYZD", "ext_token_expr" : { "$date" : 1445869560000 }, "ext_username" : null, "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1412016326679 }, "ext_permissions" : { "email" : 1, "offline_access" : 1, "user_friends" : 1, "publish_actions" : 1, "public_profile" : 1 }, "_id" : { "$oid" : "5429a8c684ce527b6d16fa08" }, "ext_token_secret" : null }, "fb_user_id" : "660850065", "first_name" : "Hannah", "gender" : "female", "last_name" : "Ouimet", "last_viewed_notification" : { "$oid" : "5155bb0cf816d81e56006595" }, "lns" : 52740, null : "null$xRU2ho3kF3SoDf8Z0UBe..IYt6srJOl4RcCp1YaaEHtFciu7wS6Cu", "passwd_upd_at" : { "$date" : 1356576948600 }, "pn_info" : { "bio" : "", "first_name" : "Hannah", "last_name" : "Ouimet", "account_type" : "individual", "url" : "https://www.pinterest.com/hannahouimet/", "created_at" : "2012-10-02T14:14:10", "image" : { "60x60" : { "url" : "https://s-passets-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/images/user/default_60.png", "height" : 60 } }, "counts" : { "pins" : 307, "following" : 71, "followers" : 8, "boards" : 12, "likes" : 6 }, "ext_user_id" : "409194453551549794", "ext_username" : "hannahouimet", "ext_access_token" : "ATiV7hnGHKVHdbgfsSGuMa2JtZ7kFCuFZLFr-XVCzkM4LCApJAAAAAA", "ext_permissions" : { "read_relationships" : 1, "read_public" : 1, "write_public" : 1 }, "_id" : { "$oid" : "56a1277667172136f609d024" } }, "profile" : { "city" : "www.hannahbeury.com", "state" : "NJ", "website" : "https://instagram.com/hannahouimet/" }, "pv2" : { "desc" : "[URL='http://www.hannahbeury.com']www.hannahbeury.com, NJ", "ct" : "Chatham", "st" : "NJ", "zc" : "07928", "ws" : "https://instagram.com/hannahouimet/", "csid" : { "$oid" : "5667607d5632a06f480008b3" } }, "seg" : { "sup" : "B" }, "settings" : { "_id" : { "$oid" : "50c2aeaf52ab0619f4003dd0" }, "email" : { "a" : true, "c" : false, "day" : true, "f" : false, "fn" : false, "l" : false, "timeline" : true }, "status" : "active", "surl" : "http://bit.ly/SDgnTv", "tw_info" : { "fetched_at" : { "$date" : 1402149990612 }, "ext_user_id" : "261406251", "ext_access_token" : "261406251-S18wsYN8C2rUqgbJLEJCOyQ7ev6kzgXc4SA9smJQ", "_id" : { "$oid" : "53931c66c003eb72321538cd" } }, "username" : "hannaho" }

Pinterest.com Users Full Details JSON data represents a user profile for individuals. Here's a breakdown of the key fields:

  • posts: Number of posts made by the user.
  • referrals: Number of referrals made by the user.
  • shares: Number of shares made by the user.
  • tntf: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • yaf: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • cover_shot: Information about the user's cover photo including ID, filename, and path.
  • created_at: Date and time when the user profile was created.
  • devices: List of devices associated with the user's account.
  • ebat: Date and time of the user's last activity.
  • email: Email address associated with the user's account.
  • email_verified: Indicates whether the user's email address has been verified.
  • fb_info: Information about the user's Facebook account including ID, access token, and permissions.
  • fb_user_id: Facebook user ID.
  • first_name: First name of the user.
  • gender: Gender of the user.
  • last_name: Last name of the user.
  • last_viewed_notification: ID of the last viewed notification.
  • lns: Not clear what this field represents without additional context.
  • passwd_upd_at: Date and time when the password was last updated.
  • pn_info: Information about the user's Pinterest account including bio, first name, last name, account type, URL, and image.
  • ext_user_id: External user ID.
  • ext_username: External username.
  • reg_method: Registration method used by the user.
  • sizes: User's size information including dress size, shoe size, and others.
  • status: Status of the user's account (active, inactive, etc.).
  • surl: Short URL associated with the user's account.
  • tm_info: Information about the user's Tumblr account including fetched_at date, external user ID, access token, token secret, and username.
  • tw_info: Information about the user's Twitter account including access token, token secret, user ID, and username.
  • username: Username of the user.
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