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Adecco.com Database Leaked - 4.2M User Records Exposed!

Adecco.com Database Leaked - 4.2M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Adecco.com Database Leaked - 4.2M User Records Exposed! - Adecco customers in South America, which was subsequently offered for sale on forum.

In March 2021, news emerged about a significant data breach affecting millions of Adecco customers in South America, which was subsequently offered for sale on a popular hacking forum. This breach resulted in the exposure of more than 4 million unique email addresses, along with accompanying data including genders, dates of birth, marital statuses, phone numbers, and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes.

  • Compromised accounts: 4,284,538
  • Breach date: 3 January 2021


This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...