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Alfastrah.ru Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed!

Alfastrah.ru Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Alfastrah.ru Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed! - In a significant data breach incident, the Russian AlfaStrakhovanie Group user database leaked.

In a significant data breach, the user database of AlfaStrakhovanie Group, a Russian insurance company, has been made publicly available. This breach exposed 1 million records, including hashed passwords, phone numbers, email addresses, full names, dates of birth, and internal AlfaStrakhovanie numbers. This incident emphasizes the severity of the data breach and the wide array of sensitive information that has been compromised.

Compromised data: Hashed Passwords, Phones, Emails, Full...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...