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American Companies and FBI (Infragard.org) 87k User Records Exposed!

American Companies and FBI (Infragard.org) 87k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

American Companies and FBI (Infragard.org) 87k User Records Exposed! - Infagard suffered a data breach in early 2022, where the data of 80,000 users was compromised.

Infagard is a non-profit organization facilitating collaboration between American companies and the FBI. In early 2022, a hacker gained access to data of 80,000 users on this platform and was selling it for $50,000. However, later the breach was publicly exposed. The data includes names, usernames, state and region information, company names and positions, as well as, in some cases, textual descriptions.

Infagard suffered a data breach in early 2022, where the data of 80,000 users was...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...