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Americannationwide.com Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed!

Americannationwide.com Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Americannationwide.com Database Leaked - 1M User Records Exposed! - American Nationwide, a mortgage company, experienced a significant data breach,

In November 2018, American Nationwide, a mortgage company, experienced a significant data breach, making approximately 1 million records publicly available. The breached data encompassed various details, including email addresses (90,905), first names, last names, physical addresses, phone numbers, age, gender, property purchase year, property build year, property value range, mortgage amount in thousands, lender names, "interest type," loan type, loan-to-value ratios, home values, and...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...