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Automated Trading Software APP Users has been leaked! (100k Traders)


Staff member
Around 100,000 users of automated trading software have had their information leaked. The software utilizes intelligence and state-of-the-art algorithms to identify only profitable trades. The leaked data includes details of subscribers, with the following information:
  • Email
  • Password
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Stripped Name
  • Phone
  • Version
  • Bridge Version
  • Platform
  • Country Name
  • IP Address
  • Source
  • Affiliate ID
  • Affiliate Name
  • Additional Info
  • Status
  • Mailer Retries
  • Mailer Status
  • Mailer List ID
  • Mailer Last Retry Date
  • Has Signup
  • Has FTD
  • Subscribe Postback Status
  • Subscribe Postback Retries
  • Subscribe Postback Last Retry Date
  • Broker Name
  • User Agent
  • Signup Date
  • Deposit Date
  • Create Date

An example of the leaked data entry is as follows:

('96499', 'kurtneyalfred@gmail.com', 'ici888', 'Romleo', 'Navasero', 'Romleo', '971565038370', NULL, NULL, 'Windows 10', NULL, '', '360affs', '17336539', 'Oxn-', '1X6soion5xG2u_-YX150bQcByRAAAAAAAaJhFAAAAAAA', 'unverified', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '1', '0', '0', '0', NULL, 'BinaryCM', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2632.0 Safari/537.36', '2017-04-22 07:19:53', NULL, '2017-04-22 07:18:56')
  1. id: Unique identifier for the subscriber.
  2. email: Email address of the subscriber.
  3. password: Password associated with the subscriber's account.
  4. firstName: First name of the subscriber.
  5. lastName: Last name of the subscriber.
  6. strippedName: A stripped-down version of the subscriber's name.
  7. phone: Phone number of the subscriber.
  8. version: Version information.
  9. bridgeVersion: Bridge version information.
  10. platform: Platform used by the subscriber (e.g., iPad, Android).
  11. countryName: Name of the country associated with the subscriber's IP address.
  12. ip: IP address of the subscriber.
  13. source: Source of the subscriber's information.
  14. affiliateID: Affiliate ID associated with the subscriber.
  15. affiliateName: Name of the affiliate.
  16. additionalInfo: Additional information about the subscriber.
  17. status: Status of the subscriber's account.
  18. mailerRetries: Number of mailer retries.
  19. mailerStatus: Status of the mailer.
  20. mailerListId: ID of the mailer list.
  21. mailerLastRetryDate: Last retry date for the mailer.
  22. hasSignup: Indicates if the subscriber has signed up.
  23. hasFTD: Indicates if the subscriber has completed a first-time deposit.
  24. subscribePostbackStatus: Status of the subscribe postback.
  25. subscribePostbackRetries: Number of retries for the subscribe postback.
  26. subscribePostbackLastRetryDate: Last retry date for the subscribe postback.
  27. brokerName: Name of the broker associated with the subscriber.
  28. userAgent: User agent information.
  29. signupDate: Date when the subscriber signed up.
  30. depositDate: Date of the subscriber's deposit.
  31. createDate: Date when the subscriber's account was created.