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Bankbsi.co.id Database Leaked - 7.4M User Records Exposed!

Bankbsi.co.id Database Leaked - 7.4M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Bankbsi.co.id Database Leaked - 7.4M User Records Exposed! - Data breach affected Bank Syariah Indonesia (bankbsi.co.id).

In 2023, a data breach affected Bank Syariah Indonesia (bankbsi.co.id), a state-owned Islamic bank that emerged as a result of a merger between state-owned sharia banks. This breach exposed the records of approximately 7.4 million customers, highlighting the significant impact of the incident on a substantial number of individuals' financial data and personal information. The breach is a concerning development given the sensitive nature of the banking sector and the potential risks...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...