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Biostar.com.tw Database Leaked - 1k User Records Exposed!

Biostar.com.tw Database Leaked - 1k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Biostar.com.tw Database Leaked - 1k User Records Exposed! - Taiwanese company Biostar had its customer data and personal data exposed.

In a significant data breach incident on September 5, 2023, the Taiwanese company Biostar had its customer data and personal data of its employees exposed. The breach was carried out by the group SiegedSec. This data breach raises concerns about the security of customer information and the privacy of employees' personal data at the company Biostar.

Compromised data: ID, Userfb, Userip, Modboss, Moddata, Useradd, Usersex, Usertel, Usercity, Usermail, Username, Userpass, Firstname...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...