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BitcoincoreFX.com Database Leaked - 364 User Records Exposed!

BitcoincoreFX.com Database Leaked - 364 User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

BitcoincoreFX.com Database Leaked - 364 User Records Exposed! - Investment platform Bitcoincorefx related to Bitcoin suffered a data breach.

The Bitcoincorefx.com database suffered a data breach that occurred in January 2021. This breach resulted in the exposure of sensitive user data. The breached database contained information from more than 364 users, including over 200 investors. The data was stored in a .txt file format and utilized bcrpyt hashes for security.

The Bitcoincorefx.com platform, as the source of the breach, is an investment platform related to Bitcoin. While the breach did not involve a massive number of users...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...