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Bitimen.com Database Leaked - 56k User Records Exposed!

Bitimen.com Database Leaked - 56k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Bitimen.com Database Leaked - 56k User Records Exposed! - Bitimen Crypto exchange, with information from approximately 56,000 users, has been leaked.

In 2023, a data breach affected Bitimen, a cryptocurrency exchange designed to offer a secure and trustworthy platform for Iranian investors. This breach resulted in the exposure of data from approximately 56,000 users. Data breaches like this underscore the importance of maintaining robust security measures and protecting the sensitive information of users, even in the cryptocurrency industry.

Compromised data: ID, Exchange id, Referrer user id, User referral code id, Fee group id, Kyc...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...