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Bonobos.com Database Leaked - 2.8M User Records Exposed!

Bonobos.com Database Leaked - 2.8M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Bonobos.com Database Leaked - 2.8M User Records Exposed! - Bonobos, a clothing store, experienced a data breach resulting in the public availability.

In August 2020, Bonobos, a clothing store, experienced a data breach resulting in the public availability of nearly 70GB of data containing 2.8 million unique email addresses. The breach exposed sensitive information, including names, physical and IP addresses, phone numbers, order histories, and passwords stored as salted SHA-512 hashes, including historical passwords. Additionally, partial credit card data was compromised, revealing card type, the name on the card, expiry date, and the...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...