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BtcTurk.com Database Leaked - 12k User Records Exposed!

BtcTurk.com Database Leaked - 12k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

BtcTurk.com Database Leaked - 12k User Records Exposed! - Cryptocurrency trading platform in Turkey, experienced a data breach that affected 516,954 accounts.

BtcTurk, the exchange that introduced Bitcoin to Turkey and is the first and largest Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrency trading platform, experienced a data breach that affected 516,954 accounts. This breach resulted in the exposure of various sensitive information, including first names, last names, user identification numbers, email addresses, address details etc.

The data from BtcTurk that was leaked in 2018 and total 11691 lines, it includes the following:
  • ...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...