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Buy, Exchange, and Store Bitcoin & Crypto (nexo.com) Database - Leaked, Download!


Staff member
Nexo, the comprehensive crypto platform for purchasing, exchanging, and storing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, has experienced a data breach affecting 593,135 users. The leaked information includes email addresses and on other version it includes partial phones.

This breach represents a significant compromise of user information and raises concerns about the security of personal and financial data stored on the platform.

643628697 98-XXX-8169 jeffersoneduardoruizmazzini@gmail.com

643628652 694-XXX-4244 spitassop@gmail.com

643628289 89-XXX-251-3344 arkaalfatih2112@gmail.com

643627429 323-XXX-6912 dulhadulha65@outlook.com
