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Canada - High Revenue Full User Consumer Leads 185k (Exclusive)


Staff member
Dataset containing comprehensive consumer information of high-revenue individuals from Canada has been leaked. The breach includes details such as first names, last names, street addresses, city, province, postal codes, phone numbers, income levels, age, gender, home ownership status, preferred language, family status, education level, job type, age of children, household size, dwelling age, and dwelling type.

  1. First Name, Last Name: The names of the individuals.
  2. Street Address, Address 2, City, Province, Postcode: The address details including street name, city, province (AB for Alberta), and postal code (T2Y1Y7 and T2X3H9 are postal codes in Calgary).
  3. Phone: The phone number of the individual.
  4. Income: The income of the individual.
  5. Age, Sex: The age and gender of the individual.
  6. Home Ownership: Indicates whether the individual owns their home.
  7. Language: The primary language spoken by the individual.
  8. Family Status: Describes the family status of the individual (e.g., Families/Couples).
  9. Education, Job Type: The individual's level of education and their job type.
  10. Age of Children: If applicable, the age range of the individual's children.
  11. Household Size: The number of people living in the household.
  12. Dwelling Age, Dwelling Type: Describes the age and type of dwelling (e.g., Single Detached Houses & Duplexes).

First Name Last Name Street Address Address 2 City Province Postcode Phone Income Age Sex Home Ownership Language Family Status Education Job Type Age of Children Household Size Dwelling Age Dwelling Type JASON DEJONG 27 SHAWFIELD RD SW CALGARY AB T2Y1Y7 4032010001 75606 39 M Owner English Families/Couples Trade/College/University White-Collar & Service Sector Oct-24 Medium 1971-90 Single Detached Houses & Duplexes SHELLEY DEJONG 27 SHAWFIELD RD SW CALGARY AB T2Y1Y7 4032010001 75606 39 F Owner English Families/Couples Trade/College/University White-Collar & Service Sector Oct-24 Medium 1971-90 Single Detached Houses & Duplexes CRAIG VOY 17 SUNLAKE ST SE CALGARY AB T2X3H9 4032010005 97654 41 M Owner English Families University/College Mixed Mixed Large After 1981 Single Detached Houses