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Coinzilla.com Database Leaked - 51k User Records Exposed!

Coinzilla.com Database Leaked - 51k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Coinzilla.com Database Leaked - 51k User Records Exposed! - Coinzilla.com, a crypto advertising network, resulted in the exposure of a user database.

In 2018, a data breach involving Coinzilla.com, a crypto advertising network, resulted in the exposure of a user database containing 51,000 records. The compromised data includes email addresses, usernames, hashed passwords, account verification status, dates of registration, session keys, first names, last names, and USD balances. This incident highlights the significance of data security and privacy in the crypto advertising industry.

Compromised data: Emails, Username, Passwords...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...