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Collection of 1.4 Billion Plain-Text Passwords Leaked! Size: 41GB


Staff member
A recent discovery by security researchers from 4iQ has unveiled a vast compilation of plain-text leaked passwords circulating on the dark web, and this database has also been released via Torrent. The massive 41GB archive comprises a staggering 1.4 billion combinations of usernames, email addresses, and passwords. These credentials are meticulously organized into two and three-level directories within the archive.

It's important to note that this archive, last updated at the end of November, did not result from a new data breach. Instead, it is a collection of data from 252 previous breaches and credential lists. This extensive database contains plain-text credentials that were leaked from various sources, including Bitcoin, Pastebin, LinkedIn, MySpace, Netflix, YouPorn, Last.FM, Zoosk, Badoo, RedBox, and even gaming platforms like Minecraft and Runescape. Additionally, it includes credential lists such as Anti Public and Exploit.in.

Size: 41GB + 1 400 553 869 Lines
