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CryptoMerchant.eu Database Leaked - 40k User Records Exposed!

CryptoMerchant.eu Database Leaked - 40k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

CryptoMerchant.eu Database Leaked - 40k User Records Exposed! - Crypto Merchant: Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets experienced a significant data breach incident.

In 2023, a data breach involving the website "cryptomerchant.eu" occurred. The breached data was stored in a .SQL format file with a size of approximately 10 megabytes. This breach resulted in the exposure of all rows, totaling 40,000 records. Data breaches like this can have significant implications for user privacy and data security, emphasizing the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and the protection of sensitive information.

Compromised data: ID, Name, Email, Password...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...