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Dodonew.com Database Leaked - 8.7M User Records Exposed!

Dodonew.com Database Leaked - 8.7M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Dodonew.com Database Leaked - 8.7M User Records Exposed! - Chinese website Dodonew.com was allegedly obtained, comprising 8.7 million accounts.

In late 2011, data from the Chinese website Dodonew.com was allegedly obtained, comprising 8.7 million accounts. The breached data includes email addresses and usernames.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Usernames, Passwords

doudou922131 184066997@qq.com wang92213
doudou911 bobo@163.com 911doudou
doudou911 bobo@163.com 911doudo...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...