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EstanteVirtual.com.br Database Leaked - 5.4M User Records Exposed!

EstanteVirtual.com.br Database Leaked - 5.4M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

EstanteVirtual.com.br Database Leaked - 5.4M User Records Exposed! - Largest book portal in Brazil, Estante Virtual, fell victim to a data breach.

In February 2019, the largest book portal in Brazil, Estante Virtual, fell victim to a data breach orchestrated by "Gnosticplayers" The attack resulted in the exposure of sensitive information, including full names, usernames, email addresses, physical addresses, and passwords stored as SHA-1 hashes. A total of 5.4 million users were affected by this security incident. The breach underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures to protect user data.

Compromised data: Full...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...