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Everycoin.io Database Leaked - 304k User Records Exposed!

Everycoin.io Database Leaked - 304k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Everycoin.io Database Leaked - 304k User Records Exposed! - Crypto platform Everycoin.io, part of The Aaron Platform data breach affected users.

In 2019, a data breach affected the crypto platform Everycoin.io, part of The Aaron Platform, which combines a stable coin (TabiPay) with a fluid value coin (EveryCoin). The breach resulted in the exposure of data belonging to 304,580 users. If you need more information or have specific questions about this incident, please feel free to ask.

Compromised data: UID, IDNo, Prom Uid, Email addresses, Regdate, Senddate, Send_status

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...