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Flexbooker.com Database Leaked - 3.7M User Records Exposed!

Flexbooker.com Database Leaked - 3.7M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Flexbooker.com Database Leaked - 3.7M User Records Exposed! - FlexBooker, an online booking service, experienced a significant data breach.

In December 2021, FlexBooker, an online booking service, experienced a significant data breach that affected 3.7 million user accounts. The breach resulted in the exposure of sensitive information, including email addresses, names, phone numbers, and, in the case of a limited number of accounts, password hashes and partial credit card data. FlexBooker traced the breach back to a compromised account within their AWS infrastructure, highlighting the critical importance of maintaining robust...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...