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Gamble Financial Transactions (Sweden) Deposits 16k


Staff member
Details of 16,000 user transactions related to gambling financial deposits in Sweden have been leaked.

username fname lname emails home_tel mobile_tel #deposits deposits|$| CAS Rev|$| SPB Rev|$| PKR Rev|$| CIP Rev|$| #DLP
StefanJensen Jonas gunnarsson cjonas_gunnarsson@hotmail.com +46:022510832 9 239 239 0 0 0 5,168
MissZougou erik lindström erik.lindstrom83@hotmail.com +46:0702292716 19 1,562 1,562 0 0 0 5,144
Lisfis03 lilibeth magdaloyo time_pass_by@yahoo.com +46:244704 2 30 3 0 28 0 5,093
teokolo peter moberg peter_moberg@hotmail.com +46:060573707 1 131 -254 0 0 0 5,121
krastijs Robin Ädel aedel@bajen.com +46 26643088 +46 704413469 6 80 9 6 24 0 5,692
beefon Andreas Älander andreasalander@hotmail.com +46:735071322 +46 735071322 32 875 642 7 0 0 5,302
snakeface66 Helena Ängerfors dicalo3@hotmail.com +46:0734060220 51 1,195 929 0 0 0 5,083
biathlon Oskar Ängermark oskar.angermark@gmail.com +46:767099247 7 845 845 0 0 0 5,255
zylver Ronny Ärlebrand arlebrand79@hotmail.com +46 09701544 1 1,089 156 0 91 0 5,503
hieman Malin Ärlemalm mona.arlemalm@hotmal.com +46:0730627825 117 2,028 1,510 0 0 0 5,110

  • id: Unique identifier for each user.
  • username: User's username or handle.
  • brand: Brand or company associated with the user.
  • cc: Country code.
  • fname: User's first name.
  • lname: User's last name.
  • emails: User's email address(es).
  • home_tel: User's home telephone number.
  • mobile_tel: User's mobile telephone number.
  • last_dep: Date of the last deposit made by the user.
  • #deposits: Number of deposits made by the user.
  • deposits|$|: Total amount of deposits made by the user.
  • CAS Rev|$|: Revenue generated from CAS (Cash Access System).
  • SPB Rev|$|: Revenue generated from SPB (Self Passbook Banking).
  • PKR Rev|$|: Revenue generated from PKR (Public Key Ring).
  • CIP Rev|$|: Revenue generated from CIP (Cash Improvement Program).
  • #DLP: Number of DLP (Data Loss Prevention) incidents.
  • CAS LPD: Last date of CAS LPD (Last Player Deposit).
  • SPB LPD: Last date of SPB LPD.
  • PKR LPD: Last date of PKR LPD.
  • CIP LPD: Last date of CIP LPD.
Each row represents a different user and their associated information.