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Gatehub.net Database Leaked - 1.4M User Records Exposed!

Gatehub.net Database Leaked - 1.4M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Gatehub.net Database Leaked - 1.4M User Records Exposed! - Cryptocurrency wallet service GateHub, impacting approximately 1.4 million accounts.

In October 2019, a data breach occurred at the cryptocurrency wallet service GateHub, impacting approximately 1.4 million accounts. The breach exposed sensitive data, including email addresses, mnemonic phrases, encrypted master keys, encrypted recovery keys, and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. This incident followed a previous data breach that GateHub had acknowledged in June, albeit with a smaller number of affected accounts. Data breaches like this highlight the importance of robust...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...