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Gemotest.ru Database Leaked - 30.5M User Records Exposed!

Gemotest.ru Database Leaked - 30.5M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Gemotest.ru Database Leaked - 30.5M User Records Exposed! - Medical laboratory "Gemotest" (gemotest.ru) experienced a data breach.

The database of the medical laboratory "Gemotest" (gemotest.ru) is currently poised to become publicly available. This means that the data from Gemotest has been leaked. To provide some context, the archive comprises a CSV file containing 30.5 million lines of personal data belonging to the company's clients. It's worth noting that the analysis archive may still be available for sale or may have recently come to attention. This is the same database that multiple sellers claimed to possess...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...