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Gree Electric Appliances Chinese 13M Worker Order Logs - Leaked, Download!


Staff member
A Chinese home appliances manufacturer headquartered in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, Gree Electric Appliances is a diversified global industrial group. A significant data breach has occurred, affecting approximately 13 million worker orders associated with the company. The leaked data includes sensitive details such as customer names, phone numbers, worker order numbers, worker order statuses, and operator information.

For example, one leaked entry from the database contains the following details:

  • Worker Order Number: 6620190904001126805100002
  • Customer: 梁伟亮 (Liáng Wěiliàng)
  • Customer Phone: 13711156141
  • Type: 创建工单 (Create Work Order)
  • Content: [GF]创建工单 ([GF] Create Work Order)
  • Operator: admin(adminkf)
  • Operator Phone: 18123920907
  • Operate Website: 格力总部(99999999) (Gree Headquarters)
  • Worker Order Status: 待网点派工 (Awaiting Branch Dispatch)
  • Worker Order Type: repair
  • Status: 1
  • Create Time: 1567527086 (Epoch timestamp)
  • Last Update Time: 1567527086 (Epoch timestamp)
  1. _id: Unique identifier for the worker order log entry.
  2. _class: Class or type of the entry, indicating the schema or model used.
  3. cid: Customer ID associated with the worker order.
  4. wid: Worker ID or technician ID handling the order.
  5. workerOrderNo: Unique identifier for the worker order.
  6. type: Type of action or event related to the worker order (e.g., "过程反馈" for process feedback, "接收工单" for receiving the order).
  7. content: Description or details of the action or event.
  8. feedback: Additional information or feedback related to the action.
  9. operator: Name or identifier of the person performing the action.
  10. operateWebsit: Website or organization associated with the operator.
  11. workerOrderType: Type of worker order (e.g., "install" for installation).
  12. status: Status of the worker order (e.g., 1 for active).
  13. createTime: Timestamp indicating when the log entry was created.
  14. lastUpdateTime: Timestamp indicating when the log entry was last updated.
  15. pgguid: GUID or unique identifier associated with the entry.
  16. fkid: Foreign key ID or reference to another entity in the database.

In the leaked entries capture various actions and events related to worker orders, such as receiving the order, providing feedback on the process, or updating the status of the order. The information includes details about the customer, worker, order type, and timestamps for tracking and monitoring the progress of worker orders.

Enjoy b1nd users.