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    Purchases are automated, please only contact @wwhlx if you still haven't received your purchase.

Guidelines for Posting Databases

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Staff member
  1. Strictly refrain from sharing Combolists in this section, as doing so will result in a permanent ban.
  2. Databases originally containing plaintext passwords are allowed, but ensure you verify if passwords have been cracked before posting.
  3. Do not post "Consumer or Leads" Data; reserve it for the "Leads" section.
  4. Documents, PDF files, IDs, or similar materials are not allowed.
  5. Must include a sample of a few lines from the data.
  6. Mention the number of users affected.
  7. Clearly state the name of the website from which the data originates. If unsure, mention it and give as much as details.
  8. Do not post sale threads. Its not allowed.

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