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Hackforums.net Database Leaked - 191k User Records Exposed!

Hackforums.net Database Leaked - 191k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Hackforums.net Database Leaked - 191k User Records Exposed! - In June 2011, the hacktivist group "LulzSec" executed their final large-scale data breach.

In June 2011, the hacktivist group "LulzSec" executed their final large-scale data breach, known as "50 Days of Lulz." This breach included data obtained from various sources, including AT&T, Battlefield Heroes, and the hackforums.net website. The compromised data encompassed the credentials and personal information of nearly 200,000 registered users on the Hack Forums platform, impacting a significant number of individuals.
The breach took place on June 25, 2011, and resulted in the...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...