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Helix.ru Database Leaked - 7.3M User Records Exposed!

Helix.ru Database Leaked - 7.3M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Helix.ru Database Leaked - 7.3M User Records Exposed! - In 2023, the Russian medical laboratory Helix (helix.ru) experienced a ransomware attack.

On July 15th, 2023, Helix, a Russian medical laboratory (helix.ru), experienced a ransomware attack, leading to the unauthorized public availability of 7.3 million records. The exposed data encompasses 774,000 distinct phone numbers, 768,000 unique email addresses, along with full names, genders, dates of birth, and medical insurance numbers, akin to the Russian SSN (SNILS). The compromised information includes email addresses, phone numbers, names, genders, and dates of birth.


This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...