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Hong Kong Food Market Online Users 1.2M FULL (Exclusive) with Mobile Phones


Staff member
Hong Kong Food Market Online Users 1.2M FULL (Exclusive) leaked, including Mobile Phones.

Here's a breakdown of the fields:

  1. uid: User ID, likely a unique identifier for each user.
  2. user_name: Username or login name.
  3. user_name_new: Possibly a new or updated username.
  4. nick_name: Nickname or display name.
  5. real_name: Real name of the user.
  6. mobile: User's mobile or phone number.
  7. email: User's email address.
  8. head_portrait_url: URL of the user's profile picture or avatar.
  9. id_no: Identification number, such as a passport or ID card number.
  10. auth_sfzfm_url: URL for authenticating the user's ID card front side.
  11. auth_sfzzm_url: URL for authenticating the user's ID card back side.
  12. auth_scsfz_url: URL for authenticating the user's ID card with a handwritten note.
  13. real_auth_status: Status of real authentication (e.g., verified or pending).
  14. regip: IP address from which the user registered.
  15. regtime: Registration timestamp.
  16. reg_type: Type of registration (e.g., email, mobile).
  17. server_node_id: ID of the server node.
  18. server_node_name: Name of the server node.
  19. is_update_pass: Indicator for whether the user has updated their password.
  20. levelid: User's level or rank.
  21. salt: Salt value used for password hashing.
  22. login_pass_word: Encrypted login password.
  23. pay_pass_word: Encrypted payment password.
  24. last_login_time: Timestamp of the user's last login.
  25. token: Authentication token or session token.
  26. create_time: Timestamp of user account creation.
  27. updateor: Updater or editor of the user's profile.
  28. update_time: Timestamp of the last profile update.
  29. parent_id: ID of the parent user (if applicable).
  30. parent_name: Name of the parent user.
  31. invitation_code: User's invitation code for referrals.
  32. level_status: Status of the user's level.
  33. freeze_reson: Reason for account freeze (if applicable).
  34. country_code: Country code.
  35. orem_state: State or region.
  36. jid: Job ID or identifier.
  37. type: Type of user account or profile.

537,sjj23456,,"","",13516618916,"","",,,,,3,,1564239060,,2,好望角,0,1,07e1cd7dca,f28bd4fa889a5744859f4a02fd8d77bb,"",2020-01-13 23:01:32,,2019-07-27 22:51:00,0,,505,ss898328,VTpXfYg5,1,,86,1,,
538,wzf139,,"","",18995219100,"","",,,,,0,,1564239073,,2,好望角,0,0,9fc3d7152b,d716e8f0898d65dfe445b27459c47e97,"",2020-01-13 23:01:32,,2019-07-27 22:51:13,0,,490,ZYL19004,78KSCNGH,1,,86,0,,
539,Zq990869,,"","",13432036892,"","",,,,,0,,1564239085,,2,好望角,0,0,00ac8ed3b4,8aeb562a3d9f68943f67c6ee18cab040,"",2020-01-13 23:01:32,,2019-07-27 22:51:25,0,,493,qwerty12,subrESWg,1,,86,0,,
