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Iimjobs.com Database Leaked - 4.2M User Records Exposed!

Iimjobs.com Database Leaked - 4.2M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Iimjobs.com Database Leaked - 4.2M User Records Exposed! - In December 2018, a significant data breach affected the Indian job portal IIMJobs

In December 2018, a significant data breach affected the Indian job portal IIMJobs, leading to the exposure of approximately 4.1 million unique email addresses. The compromised data extended beyond email addresses and encompassed names, phone numbers, geographic locations, dates of birth, job titles, job applications, cover letters, and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. This breach, occurring on 31 December 2018, highlights the importance of robust security practices for safeguarding...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...