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Indian Loyalty Program Management System 68k Full Lead (Exclusive)


Staff member
Indian data provided is customer information related to a loyalty program management system. Here's an explanation of each field:
  1. First_Name: The first name of the customer.
  2. Last_Name: The last name of the customer.
  3. Mobile: The mobile phone number of the customer.
  4. Email: The email address of the customer.
  5. Current_Tier: The current tier or level of the customer in the loyalty program.
  6. LTD: Stands for "Last Transaction Date," indicating the date of the last transaction made by the customer.
  7. Recency: The number of days since the last transaction.
  8. Recency_Band: Categorization of recency (e.g., Dormant, Inactive).
  9. IS_Valid_Mobile_Flag: Indicates whether the mobile number is valid (1 for valid, 0 for invalid).
  10. IS_Target_Flag: Indicates whether the customer is a target for marketing or promotions (1 for target, 0 for non-target).
  11. LTD_Store_Code: Code identifying the store where the last transaction occurred.
  12. LTD_Store_Name: Name of the store where the last transaction occurred.
  13. LTD_Region: Region where the last transaction occurred.
  14. LTD_Franchise: Franchise associated with the last transaction.
  15. LTD_City: City where the last transaction occurred.
  16. LTD_State: State where the last transaction occurred.
Based on the information provided in the dataset, the customers are from India. They are part of a loyalty program managed by a company with stores in the mentioned region. The data includes details such as transaction history, recency, tier status, and contact information, which could be used for customer segmentation, targeting, or personalized marketing efforts.

ASSHAD;AHMED;917980369593;saadahmed9816@gmail.com;GREEN;28/02/2020;269;Dormant;1;1;N230005;MARDA COLL./KOLKATA-MANI SQUARE;EAST;BIPL;KOLKATA;WEST BENGAL
RITU;RAJ SINGH;917980334599;rr5489860@gmail.com;RED;30/03/2019;604;Inactive;1;1;N230005;MARDA COLL./KOLKATA-MANI SQUARE;EAST;BIPL;KOLKATA;WEST BENGAL