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Inturist.ru Database Leaked - 5.5M User Records Exposed!

Inturist.ru Database Leaked - 5.5M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Inturist.ru Database Leaked - 5.5M User Records Exposed! - In 2023, the Russian tour operator Intourist (Интурист) experienced a significant data breach.

In 2023, the Russian tour operator Intourist (Интурист) experienced a data breach, leading to the exposure of a significant amount of sensitive information about its clients. The breach resulted in the leaking of 5,507,954 rows of data. This incident underscores the importance of securing user data to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. This database has been made publicly available, marking a severe data breach that has affected a substantial number of individuals. Intourist...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...